Chapter 21

Artemis POV

It was strange looking at Silver as he gave orders to treat the wounded and such, his hood had fallen down and he looked so much like his father in the way he held himself and he seemed to emit this feeling that was both comforting and frightening. The look on his face seemed to be one of an old war hero yet his eyes held that same bright light of hope that he had as a child. He noticed me watching him and gave me a comforting smile before returning to the wounded.

I could see Grover, Mike and a half a dozen others waiting. Percy appeared on my right and together we walked over to our son. "I've got the final count 89 injured and 1 dead, most of the injured should be fighting able in a day or two we were lucky very lucky." A small boy from the silver legion said .

"Where's the fallen?" Silver asked. The boy lead him over to where a large group of people stood around what I assumed was the fallen boy.

"Dakota." Percy said. Silver knelt by the boy and placed his hands over the boy's rib cage. Immediately the flesh around the edges started moving, knitting itself back together until it looked as it had before. Once done Silver placed his hand on Dakota's head in what I assumed was some kind of final blessing.

We all stood there quietly for a few minutes paying our respects when Silver's hands started to glow. Dakota's eyes snapped open and he began gasping for air "Welcome back to the land of the living kid.".

"How did you do that?" Cassy asked.

"Bonus to being the god of Justice. I can bring someone back from the dead once every thousand years, granted there's about a three dozen other stipulations but that's a conversation for another time."

"You can bring only one person back from the dead and you pick Dakota?" Mike scoffed "You should at least hold out for someone important.".

Silver in one swift motion picked Mike up and slammed him into a wall of ice I'm assuming he made. "Don't you EVER say something like that to me again. All life is precious and it should never be taken lightly." Silver said.

The twelfth legion seemed unsure of what to do, I doubt having their Praetor ruffed up by a patron god happens very often "If I have a chance to save a life I'm going to take it regardless of their importance and let's face it when you said someone important you're referring to yourself aren't you".

"So what if I am." Mike shouted back "I'm the leader of both camps and the hero of my generation if not ever".

At this Silver let a bitter laugh "Greatest of you generation! Who do you think you are? You couldn't even pass as a hero. Lets go over your accomplishments in the Titan war you hid in in the shadow of Jason Grace because you were too scared to fight on the front lines. You killed a grand total of six monsters in the Giant war, and you became a Praetor which is actually impressive but let's look at how you got there." Silver said and Mike paled.

"First you attempted to kill Gwen, former centurion of the fifth cohort hoping to succeed her. When that failed you summoned the Eidolons into camp and started a WAR just because they said they would make you Praetor. You drugged Octavian making him act borderline insane so you could take command from him which again failed. After the war you hit it big using rumors and lies to slander Reyna, Nico, and the rest of the seven's names to the point the left the camps.".

Even Mike's most loyal lackeys were backing away from him at this point and Silver was on a role with no sign of stopping "Now we could hold a trial but considering all the evidence not to mention the eye witness accounts I'll just save us some time and skip it. I Silver god of Justice here by remove you from the office of Praetor, strip you of your rank and titles and banish you from the land of the Olympians." with a simple wave of his hand Mike disappeared.

Despite my shock/approval at what just happened I noticed Percy grasp the handles to his swords "What is it." I whispered.

"Third guy on the right, 5' 10.", messy black hair. He's way too tense and fidgety even accounting for the events of today". I looked the boy over and Perseus was right, the boy's back may have been to me but something was definitely off about him, and somewhat familiar. The way held himself, the scar on his forearm, and the way he fidgets with his bow it's almost like

"Orion!" I shouted "It's Orion, get him!".

Orion turned to see me and ran straight for Silver. Before anyone realized what was happening Orion plunged a knife dripping some yellow goo straight threw his heart. Percy tackled Orion to the ground twisting his arm behind his back while Silver just stood there. "Okay oww." Silver said as if he just stubbed his toe, grasping the hilt of the knife he ripped it out "Got to admit I didn't see that coming".

"How are you still alive?" Orion shouted as Percy dragged him up from the ground "That blade was coated in Monsok! It's deadly to even the gods".

"Well it'll take a lot more than a knife to kill me and I'm actually immune to all poisons born from nature including Monsok." Silver said smoothly as his wound healed. Despite the even tone in his voice Silver's eyes held a great deal of rage as he gazed at Orion "Father please release him".

"You what me to release the guy that just tried to kill you?" Percy asked in disbelief.

"Trust me" Silver said, Percy nodded and did as my son asked. Orion didn't even have time to react as Silver placed a hand on his chest and white writing spread across his body. When the writing stopped Orion's arms literally disappeared as if they never existed. Panic was rampant on Orion's face.

"Orion listen up cause I'm only going to say this once" Silver flatly. "You right on the cusp of having you soul devoured by corruption, you still have a chance to come back from this however. The writing I placed on your body is a curse of my own design, your arms have been taken as the price of your past crimes, the writing however serves another purpose. If you give in to the darkness completely it will send you to the void. But if you do everything you can to fix what you have done not just to the people you have wronged but to your soul as well you may just see your arms restored one day.". Orion disappeared in the same light as Mike to who knows where "Now the real challenge begins." Silver said looking at the sky moments later Apollo appeared on the battlefield his back to Silver.