Raid registration

The bus stopped and the people aboard could finally heave a sight of relief, Kyle kept an eye on the hostage holder and ordered

"Call the police."

He didn't have much time to play around, so he would leave right after leaving that guy in the right hands. While waiting for them Kyle was sitting on a front seat of the bus when he felt a light tuck on his arm, he turned around and realized it was the girl with antennas.


"Your welcome."

He replied with a smile, and stood up. 3 police cars had arrived and parked next to the bus, he walked out of the bus towards the police cars, when the police officers got down he recognized two familiar faces who didn't miss him either.

"How unlucky can we be ? There are billions of people in this city, how can we fall on him again..."

The familiar faces were the policeman and policewoman who had caught him fighting when he arrived in the city the day before.

"I'll leave everything here to you I have things to do, good to see the two of you again !"

He said with a smile, he had fun teasing them and seeing their fake smiling faces.

"Who's that ?"

Said the leader of the police officers who was walking in the front, he didn't stop and just asked out of curiosity.

"A bad memory... I don't want to talk about it."

Replied the policewoman, and stepped foot in the bus after the others. In the front of the bus was a sad guy sitting on his butt with his hands attached behind his back, the guns were left in the driver's responsibility.

"How did you capture him ?"

The leader asked the driver who was still in a state of chock.

"The boy who left a second ago, he appeared out of nowhere, knocked this guy out and left."

The leader turned around towards the two police officers who knew Kyle and said

"Bring him back, knight or mage he still needs to make a report of the situation."

What he didn't expect was that his subordinates wouldn't respect him

"You want us to die ? Go yourself if you don't value your life!"

They also realized that they shouldn't have spoken to their superior this way but they had to stay strong if they didn't want to run after Kyle.

"What ? You're scared of a kid ? WHAT KIND OF FUCKING LOSERS DID I GET IN MY TEAM ?!"

When he was a centimeter away from kicking the policeman the policewoman said

"He isn't just a kid, he owns a VIP pass. We almost made the mistake to bring him to the police station on our first meeting."

The leader shivered and very soon dumped the idea of finding Kyle, he was higher ranked than the two police officers Kyle knew but he was still a small fry in this big Eclipsia city.


Kyle was back in the limousine and looked outside with curiosity again, this time except feeling the intense look of the chauffeur nothing else happened.

"Sir, this is the Magical Academy."

The huge gate followed by tall buildings everywhere, this "academy" was probably the size of a capital city in the old earth.

'This place isn't simple, there is a powerful barrier cast around it. It isn't as mysterious as the one I've felt around the Gold and Silver palace but it feels more powerful, it must be fed by the mana of thousands of mages.

There are definitely guys as strong as my grandpa here...'

A long while later the car parked in front of a giant building made exclusively of glass, Kyle got down and went in after making a time and place of rendez-vous with his chauffeur.

The weather was warm outside and almost hot but inside the building it was perfectly cool. Kyle walked to the counter and didn't attract much attention like usual, the rate of magicians to normal humans in this place was of 100 magicians for 1 non magician and magicians didn't have the time to care about a random handsome kid.

"Hello sir, how can I help you ?"

He wanted to ask for Lena but her assistant said she was meeting VIPs so he didn't and instead asked

"I heard this place is the organizer of raids, I want to take part in one soon."

"Of course sir, would you like a loot raid or an exp raid ?"

"What's the difference?"

That was basic knowledge, all the kids who had went to the Magical school knew about it, even the last of the class who didn't listen to anything during his whole school life but the clerk behind the counter didn't betray any emotion and kept answering his questions with a smile.

"A raid is an expedition to a dungeon, we group lots of people to make it possible to take down a dungeon that a single person couldn't conquer, some dungeons have stronger monsters in lower numbers which make them loot more items such as weapons, skills and potions of all types but also lacking in experience while other dungeons have huge quantities of relatively low level so everybody can kill and gain lots of experience."

"An exp raid then."

A weapon would be good but he could just buy that outside, a skill ? He had the bests of the bests of skills and finally potions were good but he had once read that looting potions was one of the rarest thing in dungeons and that was why the alchemist occupation came to life, to make and sell the rare potions.

"The next exp raid will start in 5 hours, the location is very close. The required level is 20, there is an exception if you have more than 30 strength points. Please put you hand on the glass so I can check your level."

Kyle put his hand on a smooth glass ball as he was instructed and numbers flashed on top of his hands like a hologram.

Level : 14 ( exp : 9357/10500 ).

"You're close to level up but still far from the required level for this raid."

"What's this ?"

"This is a Clairvoyant, it's the most famous Technomage's invention. It can give people's levels or stat if they put their hands on it, they are working on a version that show the skills too which should be available soon."

When she talked about the Technomages her eyes shone a bit, she was obviously a fan of their work. Kyle on the other hand had very low knowledge about them as he had only read about them in an old book he had read long ago, it said that Technomages used mana to build technological innovations. Until now Kyle had seen two of them : this Clairvoyant and the Mana fueled cars.

"Now I'll check your strength stat."

She typed a few times on her keyboard while looking at her computer screen and then the numbers appeared atop Kyle's hand

Strength : 35.

"Alright you're qualified to join the raid, please head to this position before sunset."

She handed him a paper with coordinates written on it.

'Level 14 with 35 strength points ? Did he allocate all his free points into the strength stat ? He didn't look that stupid tho...'

The clerk looked at Kyle's leaving silhouette but didn't know that he had never used even a single free point, he was still thinking about what kind of magical knight he wanted to be. He was hesitating between a Burst type and a Tank type, if he chose the first he would focus on speed and Lightning affinity gave him destructive power, if he could appear behind his enemy and throw a killer punch nobody in this generation will be able to stop him.

If he chose the second one he would focus on the Stamina stat and be able to endure until his enemy was out of mana.