Road to the dungeon

When the situation occurred Kyle finally realized he forgot something, his life would be really hard without a mobile phone in this country sized city. He had given a time and a place to the chauffeur but before that he had no way to contact him.

He looked at his left and right to locate him, maybe he hadn't gone far yet but the black limo was nowhere to be seen.

'Damn I need to be out of the city in less than 5 hours, how should I do that without a car...?'

He looked back to the guild and thought

'Using the pass might work but I don't know it's value yet, I better use it moderately for now.'

Finally his eyes fell on a bus stop to his right with a few people waiting, they were all non mages working in the Magical academy. Kyle walked over and stood amongst them, of course a well dressed handsome young man wouldn't be a common occurrence there. He stood next to a middle aged bald man and asked

"Excuse me sir, how long before the bus arrive ?"

"It usually take less than 20 minutes and I've been waiting for no less than 15 minutes, it won't be much longer."

The old man answered with a smile and Kyle replied with a smile too, just having normal human contact made him happy, talking only to his grandfather for 15 years was a little bit boring so he kept chatting with the man about random stuff.

A minute later the bus arrived and Kyle went up, he paid using his credit card and just sat silently in the back waiting for the bus to reach downtown, from there he could take the subway to the Western gate he had came in from.


Finally after a long hour of bus and a longer hour of subway he made it outside of the city, he walked down the same road he had came in from on the other side this time, before walking out of the gate he arrived at the checkpoint protected by thousands of knights.

"What is your business outside of the city ?"

Kyle was asked.

"A dungeon raid."

"Can I see your ID ?"

'I should get a normal ID done instead of showing the pass every time I'm asked for an ID, it's convenient but I don't want to attract attention now. Who know if my grandpa had strong enemies...'

Now however he didn't have a choice so he took out the VIP pass and gave it to the chocked Knight.

"Sir, you can go of course you just had to show me this right away."

"Wait, look at these geographical coordinates. I need to go there but I don't have a GPS, would you mind showing me the way ?"

"Oh no worries sir, I'll ask someone to take my shift and I'll drop you off there !"

'Man I can't let go of this opportunity to suck on a VIP !'

"Oh would you do that ? I'll count on you then !"

Just like this Kyle had a chauffeur who took him all the way to the dungeon, they arrived at the bottom of a high cliff with a big door carved in the rock. It wasn't a door that could be opened physically but it had to be opened using mana and it would teleport them to the dungeon that was in another dimension.

"Thanks for taking me here, what's your name ?"

"I'm Eric sir, Eric Black."

"You can come to the Gold and Silver palace for a meal and ask for Kyle, I'll treat you."

Of course Kyle didn't miss the knight's intention and the knight was more than delighted by what he learned, this VIP kid was probably the heir of some big shot in the Gold and Silver palace, the biggest Hotel in town and probably the best restaurant too. Of course the knight could have a meal or a night there if he wanted, what he was happy about was the opportunity to have a meal with a VIP, from there it was up to his capacities to make Kyle like him and maybe hire him in some better job than being a gate keeper knight.

"Should I wait for you here sir ?"

"It's alright you can go, I'll just ask someone to give me a lift for the return trip."

Kyle got down of the car and walked to the front of the cliff where a hundred or so people were waiting, a few sitting together while chatting, others playing games and some sitting alone just resting.

He had arrived an hour earlier to the dungeon so he wanted to make friends, it was harder to join an already made group so he walked next to a girl who was sitting back against a tree and just looking to the door in front of her.

Kyle sat next to her.

"Hi! My name is Kyle, nice to meet you."

The girl didn't expect to see a kid here, she was around 25 years old, a very pretty specimen that could definitely be a model if she wanted, she was dressed in a full black attire that emanated a strong mana. It was very different from the almost imperceptible mana of the gold and silver robe that, Kyle felt like the guy who made it just wanted to attract as much looks from people as possible.

"What are you doing here ?"

"Of course I'm here for the raid."

'A young genius ?'

"I'm Sona, nice to meet you too."

"I don't have a watch Sona, how much longer before the raid ?"

She raised her black and white watch and showed it to Kyle, before looking at the time he was attracted by the intricate design of the watch, he was sure that this item had required a huge load of work, probably a very expensive item too.

"Less than 30 minutes left, we should start getting ready."

Said Sona as she stood up and walked to the cliff.