I came here to investigate (EDITED)

"You have a meeting with Mr. Yun tonight, Mr. Shi," Shi Enxi informed her brother as she placed a cup of coffee on his table.

"You don't have to be formal to me when we're alone, Xi'er," Shi Yi said, looking up at her while being seated.

"We're at work. It's only normal for me to address you that way."

It has been two weeks already since Shi Enxi started working as her brother's secretary and within those two weeks, not once did she call him 'brother', which made Shi Yi worried.

He gave her the position of secretary since he wanted her to start from the beginning, so that, she could learn and get used to how to handle matters in the company before he could promote her. Aside from that, Shi Yi thought that he would be able to make up for the times they have been separated by having her close and being a better brother to her. But for some reason, he could feel a wall between them.

It was not his choice to live with his grandparents. Even if he requested them to have his sister live with him, his grandparents would always tell him that she was living well with their auntie, Shi Anhao, and her family.

Whenever he called his sister, she would always tell him that she was fine. That was because Shi Anhao threatened her that if she badmouthed them, she would throw her out and feed her to the dogs.

Despite being in her teens, Shi Enxi was scared of how scary Shi Anhao was. That was why she didn't have a choice, other than to obey her.

Shi Enxi went to her table and continued with the paperwork that was assigned to her.

Shi Yi sighed inwardly. His sister had always been a lively girl, but what happened to that now? She was so aloof and quiet towards everyone, including him. Was it because of their aunt and uncle? Did they do something to her?

He took the cup of coffee and was about to take a sip from it when someone suddenly barged into the office, interrupting the peacefulness of the place.

Shi Enxi clenched her fist when she saw that someone interrupted her brother from drinking the coffee. She turned to the man and inwardly glared at him.

The man, who stood before them, had brown hair. On his handsome face was a pair of eyes that twinkled like stars. Those eyes scanned the room, and when they saw her, in just moments, his mouth gave up on the aloofness it had, breaking out into a boyish grin. His radiance could make every man and woman, who saw it, feel an irresistible impulse to smile, except for Shi Enxi who felt more annoyed than ever.

His good looks may have worked on others but not to her. He was one of those people that annoyed her to her bones even without doing anything.

She raised a brow at him. "What are you doing here, Mr. Lu?"

The man before them was their childhood friend, Lu Mello. Shi Enxi was once close to him. This was back when her parents were still alive, but ever since she was taken in by Shi Anhao, she had lost contact with him and her other childhood friends.

Lu Mello was staring at her for a while, and happiness filled his eyes for some reason.

'Ah... She didn't dye her hair blond yet. She looks more beautiful in her natural raven-black hair,' thought Lu Mello. He kept staring at her, and Shi Yi had to clear his throat just to get his attention.

"Mr. Lu."

Lu Mello snapped out from his trance. He turned to Shi Yi, and his eyes automatically fell on the cup of coffee he was holding.

When Shi Enxi noticed the way Lu Mello was looking at the cup of coffee, despite the blank look on her face, her hands started sweating.

"Sister Enxi, can you prepare a coffee for me too?" Lu Mello gave her a charming smile.


Before Shi Enxi could leave, the next words Lu Mello said made her stop in her tracks.

"Anyways, I came here to investigate Mr. Wang Hao's accident." Lu Mello went and sat casually on the sofa.

"Wasn't it because of a problem in the car's break?"

"No, I found out that it wasn't just the break; someone tampered with his car. It is a good thing that Mr. Wang survived the accident, but since he is currently in a coma, asking questions to him will be for later." Lu Mello turned to Shi Enxi and smiled.

Shi Enxi felt a chill run down her spines. What was happening? How was he able to find that out when she herself was so sure no one would be able to notice it?

"Is that… true? Someone is trying to kill uncle?" She asked, acting all concerned.

"Yes, I have evidence on that."

"Uncle Wang has always been kind to me; He is the closest person to me," She lied smoothly. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Lu Mello. "Why? Why is someone trying to kill a good man like him?"

Lu Mello was looking closely at her with a serious look on his face. "I am still trying to find the reason why."

Shi Enxi rushed to Lu Mello's side with her delicate tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mello, please, please, save my uncle from whoever is trying to kill him. I'm even willing to help you and cooperate just to catch that person!"

Lu Mello held Shi Enxi's hand and smiled slightly. For some reason, there was sadness in his eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll let you know once we have a lead on that person."

Behind such an innocent-looking face was someone very much cruel and ruthless. He knew that well, and because of that, he was going to do his best to stop her while it was early. He will never allow her to do the same sins she did back then.

To do that, he must take care of that person, the only person who was willing to do everything she ordered and kill no matter who it was.