Her evil ways (EDITED)

Shi Enxi accompanied Lu Mello outside of her brother's office after she was able to calm down.

"Please let me know if you need anything else, Mr. Lu." She slightly smiled at him as she handed him, her business card.

He looked at the business card and turned to her with a smile, "Don't worry, I will. Are you free tonight?"

Shi Enxi was caught off-guard by his sudden offer. "Huh?"

"I can't really discuss it with you right now since it is important." He looked around them to make sure that there was no one present except for them. "Since you have offered your help, I want to discuss something concerning Mr. Wang's case. Just the two of us."

Shi Enxi's eyes glistened in delight when she heard his words. The reason why she was willing to cooperate in his investigation was so that she can do something about it to make sure that the evidence was not pointing to her and Huang Li, her partner in crime.

If Lu Mello was going to get close to them, then, she had no choice but to discard him.

Lu Mello was staring closely at her. Even if her face didn't show what she was thinking, he could already guess what it was, after all, he has already seen her true face in the past.

He sighed inwardly. Shi Enxi has always been good at covering her emotions; Even he, himself wasn't able to see through her back then.

"I understand. Please message me the time and place," She said using a soft tone.

After Lu Mello left the building, he drove back to the station. On his way, while the traffic lights were red, he began thinking of their past and how he ended up traveling back in time.

No matter how evil Shi Enxi was and even if she had betrayed him so many times, he couldn't stop himself from loving her.


Shi Enxi had always looked quiet and calm. Everyone around her saw her as a person with overwhelming kindness and warmth— someone thriving to achieve happiness for everyone.

Behind that facade, no one expected who she really was. She caused her uncle's accident and placed him into a coma. She was not just satisfied with that; she ordered the only person who cared for her, Huang Li, to kill him in his sleep.

Huang Li knew about the hardship she went through as he was the son of a servant in the Wang household.

Shi Enxi was able to know him since Shi Anhao treated Shi Enxi like a servant and Huang Li was the person who helped her do her the dishes in the kitchen.

If she wanted to stay at their place and eat good food, she had to work for it! That was what Shi Anhao, her aunt, always reminded her.

Aside from the mother, her daughters, Wang Nansheng and Wang Ansheng, treated her badly. They made things hard for her even when they were in school.

The worst thing that Shi Enxi experienced was when she was molested by her own uncle, Wang Hao.

Huang Li tried to stop him one time, but in anger, Wang Hao had beaten him up badly. He warned the two that if they tried to tell others about it, he was going to fire Huang Li's parents and make sure that their life will be miserable.

After Shi Enxi was taken in by Li Bingbing, the two of them still kept in touch.

He was her best friend and the only one who understood her the most. Huang Li had always loved her despite everything, and because of that love, he was willing to do anything for her.

Shi Enxi wanted to destroy the Shi family as she blamed them for what had happened to her. She even blamed her brother for leaving her behind.

It's not fair! Why did he have a good life while she had to suffer? Didn't he promise her that he was going to protect her and no matter what, he was going to be there for her? Then, where was he during the times she needed him the most?

Since she became Shi Yi's secretary, she was feeding him a slow-reacting poison that can cause a heart attack. She would always mix it in his drink whenever he asked for one.

She got the poison from Lu Xian Yu's, her brother-in-law, collection of poisons. She became so interested in the collection that she started studying different kinds of poison during her stay in their place.

In the past, it took two months before the poison finally reacted in Shi Yi's body, taking his life.

In his last moments, he saw his sister's devious expression whilst she happily waved goodbye at him. "See you in hell, brother." After that, she screamed out and called for help.

Her expression changed only within a matter of seconds. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Confusion filled his mind until his last breath.

Her next target was her cousins, Wang Nansheng and Wang Ansheng, who was working in the entertainment industry. They were easy for her to take care of because of their type of work, all she had to do was cause a scandal regarding them to ruin their careers.

She ordered Huang Li to drug Wang Ansheng and send her to one of those businessmen, who backed up an artist in exchange for sleeping with them.

The sex video, that was secretly taken, soon spread out, and with that, Wang Ansheng was brought to ruin, especially when she had gotten pregnant.

Because of all the negative comments and pressure she received, Wang Ansheng saw no opportunity to redeem herself in the eyes of many. Wang Ansheng was the type of person who was easily affected by the netizen's view of her. Depression caught her, and in the end, she committed suicide.

Next was Wang Nansheng, her sister. Her work as a model was affected because of her sister's scandal.

Since Shi Enxi became the CEO of Shi Company, she used her power to ruin Wang Nansheng behind the scenes.

Shi Enxi dealt with her cousin using a different method; she ordered Huang Li to hire someone to kidnap her.

She tortured and watched Wang Nansheng as she was defiled by the men that Shi Enxi hired. There was no mercy in Shi Enxi's cold eyes when she watched the scene before her.

After she allowed her men to defile Wang Nansheng, Shi Enxi continued with the torture of beating her like a sandbox. It took days before Wang Nansheng had finally died.

Shi Enxi wanted to leave Shi Anhao for the last, for she wanted to make her suffer by allowing her to experience the days without her beloved family.

The death of everyone around her pained Shi Anhao. She mourned for so long. Aside from that, she lost the riches she once had since their company became bankrupt.

Of course, Shi Anhao was not the only one on her list. Aside from the Shi family, Fan Xiao Yao, Lu Mello's first love and girlfriend was in it.

When Fan Xiao Yao entered Lu Mello's mind, he couldn't help but wonder how she was doing. Shi Enxi did so many terrible things in his past life, she even ruined his relationship with Fan Xiao Yao.

If the timeline was correct, he was still courting Fan Xiao Yao and she was finally going to answer him by next week.

His feelings for Fan Xiao Yao was long gone. What should he do? He can't just tell her that he doesn't like her anymore, right?

*Honk! Honk!*

The cars behind him started honking since the light had already turned green and yet he was not moving his car.

Lu Mello was brought back to reality by those loud honks. He quickly started driving away from the place.

While driving, his mind was flying between Fan Xiao Yao and Shi Enxi.

How should he end things with Fan Xiao Yao? How should he change Shi Enxi's evil ways?

Shi Yi and the others were still alive, but he knew that Shi Enxi was going to make her move soon. She had already caused Wang Hao's accident.

He knew her next move; she was going to kill Wang Hao before proceeding to his daughter, Wang Ansheng.