Next time (EDITED)

"You should be careful next time, Huang Li." Shi Enxi was currently in the women's restroom, talking on her phone.

"Should I watch him closely?"

"No, I can take care of him myself." She was looking at her neatly trimmed nails. "Anyway, did you get her schedule?"

"Yes. She will be attending an award ceremony at the end of this month with her sister," Huang Li answered.

"Good." She snickered. "I can't wait to watch a good show."

After the call ended, Shi Enxi took her bag and placed her phone inside it. She looked at herself in the mirror and then, started re-applying her makeup.

Her long, black hair was pulled into a ponytail with few strands loose on both sides. Her beauty was more on the mature and dignified side, which men around her preferred more rather than those cutesy type. If she was to seduce someone, they would instantly fall for her. She looked kind, and no one could ever imagine that behind the kind outlook was a devious heart. She is a perfect white lotus, who can deceive anyone.

She went out of the restroom and headed back to the car where her brother was waiting.

They were currently in one of the finest restaurants in Beijing since it was the place where Shi Yi had an appointment earlier.

Shi Enxi came back only to see him having a headache.

Something flashed in her eyes, but it left as soon as it came and was replaced with worry. She walked towards him. "Mr. Shi, are you alright?"

Shi Yi was massaging his temple, and his brows were knitted together. "Yes, I'm just having a small headache."

"I have a headache medicine. You should take one."

"Thank you."

Having a headache was one of the side effects of the poison she was giving him. It was one way of telling that the poison has started to work.

After drinking the medicine, Shi Yi leaned against his seat to take a nap.

He was so open to her right now that she could kill him in an instant, but she wanted him to have a slow death and make him suffer.

She sighed inwardly and was glad that she had such control over her urge to kill. She was praising herself for being so patient.

"Mr. Xu, let's take him home. Mr. Shi is not feeling well; He needs to get proper rest as soon as possible."

"Yes, ma'am." Xu Han, the driver, started driving off to Shi Yi's place.


Upon arriving at Shi Yi's place, a beautiful young woman was waiting in the living room for him.

"Chun'er, what are you doing here?" Shi Yi was a bit surprised to see Lu Weichun, Lu Mello's sister.

"I'm obviously visiting you." Lu Weichun stood up and walked toward him. "Why do you look so pale?"

She reached out her hand to him and touched his face. "Are you alright?"

"Now that you're here, I'm feeling better." A gentle smile appeared on his lips.

Shi Enxi rolled her eyes inwardly at her brother's remark.

Lu Weichun was five years younger than her brother, and she was his current girlfriend. The two of them got closer to each other during Lu Weichun's internship at the Shi Company. Now that she had graduated, she was going to take a position in the Lu's family business.

Lu Weichun sighed. "My brother noticed that you were looking so pale earlier when he visited you. That's why he told me to come here and give you a visit. He made me bring some herbal tea. He said that you should drink it every night."

"Oh! How kind of him!" Shi Yi smiled and hugged Lu Weichun by her waist. "Will you stay here tonight?"

"I have to." She pinched his cheek lightly. "You look like as if you're about to get a fever."

"If I have you as my nurse, then I don't mind getting sick."

Shi Enxi cleared her throat. Her single heart was feeling very much bitter and annoyed upon seeing the two acting lovey-dovey in front of her. "I should take my leave."

Shi Yi turned to his sister and smiled. "You should stay here for dinner."

Shi Enxi smiled at him sweetly. "No, thanks. I have to meet up with a friend tonight. Maybe, next time?"

Shi Yi nodded in agreement. "Alright, next time it is." He patted her head. "Just let me know when you're free, I'll make your favorite."

Despite having the urge to slap his hand away, Shi Enxi didn't have a choice but to tolerate his pats and smile excitedly instead. "Really? Then maybe we can have dinner together one of these days."

"I would love that."

"Anyways, I really should go now. I can't let my friend wait for me."

"Alright, take care on your way."

Shi Enxi turned to Lu Weichun and smiled. "See you later Xiao Chun."
