

Shi Enxi has always been jealous of Fan Xiao Yao ever since she was introduced to her. She was like any villain who wanted to destroy a protagonist life.

Fan Xiao Yao lost her parents like her and she was taken in by her relatives but unlike Shi Enxi, she was loved by them.

Everyone was instantly captivated by Fan Xiao Yao and they loved her. Fan Xiao Yao was a truly innocent and pure girl. Unlike Shi Enxi, who was a fake. She had to pretend just to make every one like her. She was somehow scared that if she showed her true self to everyone, they would start hating her.

She wanted to steal everything from Fan Xiao Yao that was why she decided to go for Lu Mello even if she was not interested in him. She drugged Lu Mello and slept with him that night.

When morning came, Lu Mello was woken up when he heard soft sobs beside him.

The beautiful woman with dirty blonde hair moved away from him as if he was such a disgusting thing.

"This can't be happening... no... no..." Shi Enxi went out of the bed, covering her naked body with a blanket. She stumbled when she tried to get her clothes that were scattered on the floor.

Lu Mello was confused at what was happening. What surprised him most was seeing Shi Enxi's crying and shaking figure.

He sat up upon noticing something... He was naked and so was Shi Enxi. There was blood on the sheets beside him.

What the hell happened...? Did he have sex with Shi Enxi?

He caught the hickeys on Shi Enxi's shoulders, confirming his doubts.

Lu Mello's heart started racing in panic. He started thinking back to what happened last night.

He was drinking with his friends since they were celebrating one of his friends' birthday. They even had a drinking contest. When he started feeling dizzy, thinking that it was because of the alcohol, he decided that it was time to go home.

Since Lu Mello couldn't even walk straight anymore since he felt the strength of his body fading away, one of his friends decided to bring him to a room to rest for a bit but it looked like that friend of his never returned after putting him in the room.

Later on, he felt a soft body beside him. The room was dark and he heard a woman's soft voice. He thought it was Fan Xiao Yao who came to pick him up. Lu Mello felt the heat in his body and in the end, he touched the woman beside him.

Why was Shi Enxi in the same room as him? That was the first thing he thought.

His friend, Guo Lan brought him in that room, right?

Judging from the way Shi Enxi was crying and looking so lost, it seemed that she didn't know that she entered the wrong room.

If she entered the wrong room, she would have known and go out instead, right?

Shi Enxi turned her head to him when she realized that he was already awake. Her tearful eyes were full of hate when she glared daggers at him.

"Y-You! Why the hell are you here?! M-Mello... how could you do this to me?"

"This is my room." He tried to be as calm as possible. The anger inside him was growing wild as he thought that it was Shi Enxi who caused this trouble.

"No, it's not! It's my boyfriend's room!" She stood up, holding the blanket to cover herself.

Why was she reacting that way? Lu Mello was confused.

"It's my room." Lu Mello had a serious look on his face.

"N-No way... Xiao Yu said that... s-she'll bring me to my boyfriend's room... s-she told me that... that I can stay the night with him... so... so... it can't be you." Shi Enxi fell on her knees and buried her face with her hands as she sobbed hard.

Her friend brought her?

He went out of the bed and wore his clothes.

Even if Lu Mello was panicking inside, he tried his best to remain calm. He is a detective and he could smell something fishy at the events that happened last night! He wouldn't be able to solve the mystery if he'll panic right?

After wearing his clothes, he went to her side. "Were you feeling dizzy and weak last night?"

Shi Enxi smirked in her mind. Just as expected, Lu Mello is fast to catch up into things. She was actually amazed that he was still able to remain calm even after he woke up with such a situation.

"Someone could have drugged us."

Shi Enxi raised her head to look at him with realization plastered on her wet face, "I... only drank a glass of wine last night... T-there's no way that I could get drunk with that, right?"

Lu Mello nodded. This time, he was sure that someone schemed against them.

If he gave it a careful thought, drugging him would be easy since the alcoholic drink was coming from different sources, there was also a possibility that he was just really drunk.

As for Shi Enxi's case, someone could have noticed that he was brought to a room. That person may have decided to use that opportunity to drug Shi Enxi and bring her to his room.

He saw the blood on the bed and was suddenly filled with guilt.

That blood... was it her first time?

He knew that for women, having sex for the first time was different unlike with men.

Shi Enxi was his childhood friend and he knew that she was a kind woman. She was good to everyone so why would someone do something so horrible to her?

He sat in front of her, "Xiao Xi... I'm sorry..."

When Shi Enxi heard his words, she burst out into another round of crying. "He'll hate me if he learned of this, Mello! Huang Li will hate me!"

Lu Mello felt bad for her. He pulled her into a hug to comfort her, "I will help you find whoever did this to you."

Shi Enxi leaned against his chest and continued on sobbing.

Just then, the door went open, revealing a black-haired innocent-looking woman standing there. It was Guo Lan who called Fan Xiao Yao upon remembering that he left Lu Mello there.

Fan Xiao Yao's eyes were open wide when she saw the scene before her. It was just not her, even Lu Mello was surprised to see her there.

"X-Xiao Yao..."

Shi Enxi snickered upon the arrival of the person she was waiting since earlier. The devious look on her eyes wasn't seen since her face was hidden on Lu Mello's chest.

"Xiao Yao, this is not what it looks like... L-let me explain." Lu Mello stood up, the panic he was feeling inside was now seen in his face.

Shi Enxi turned to look at Fan Xiao Yao, "I-I'm sorry, Xiao Yao..."

Fan Xiao Yao never expected that the woman who Lu Mello slept with was none other than her close friend, Shi Enxi. They both betrayed her...

"How could you?" Tears brimmed in Fan Xiao Yao's eyes. "I trusted you two... how could cheat and betray me?"

"Xiao Yao, please, let me explain." Lu Mello went to Fan Xiao's side and was about to hold her but she slapped him, looking so disgusted at him.

"Don't touch me!" She moved away from him. "Explain?" She scoffed. "What kind of explanation do you have to give me? I have already caught you both!"

"And you!" She turned to Shi Enxi with eyes full of anger, "After all the trust I have given you... this is how you treat it?!" She rushed to her side and pulled her hair out of frustration. "You slut!"

Shi Enxi expected such reaction from her and she already knew how to react. She didn't fight her back to look more pitiful and so that Lu Mello would believe her more.

She cried out in pain, she held her hand as if trying to stop Fan Xiao Yao, "X-Xiao Yao... please... I-I didn't mean to... Please let me... let me explain!"

Lu Mello hurriedly went to save Shi Enxi from Fan Xiao Yao's wrath, "Xiao Yao, that's enough! This is not her fault!"