A Terrible Personality

When Fan Xiao Yao saw how Lu Mello protected Shi Enxi, she felt someone stabbing her heart. "Are you saying that... it was you who started this?"

"N-No... that is not what I mean. Please believe me-"

"Enough!" She wiped her tears then glared daggers at Lu Mello. "This?" She showed the engagement ring that Lu Mello gave her. "You can have this back!"

She took off the ring and threw it to him. "We're done!" She turned away and left the room in a hurry.

"Fan Xiao Yao!" Lu Mello was so heartbroken as well because of what Fan Xiao Yao did. He let go of Shi Enxi and quickly followed his love one out.

Shi Enxi was left alone in the room. Her pained and broken look was gone from her face and was replaced by a pleasing smirk.

She took her clothes and picked the ring that was on the floor. She went to the bathroom. "Well then, what should I do next?" She muttered to herself while staring at the ring.

Shi Enxi wasn't contented with how things went since she wanted to steal Lu Mello completely; his love and adoration, she wanted to steal them from Fan Xiao Yao.


Lu Mello and Fan Xiao Yao's relationship totally ended that day. Fan Xiao Yao was too hurt to listen to the excuses that Lu Mello had to give and because of that, she started avoiding him by leaving the place.

Meanwhile, Shi Enxi was waiting for the right opportunity to continue her plans against Lu Mello.

She heard that Lu Mello has been getting himself drunk during his break. After he has gotten over that phase, he busied himself with work.

It wasn't long when Lu Mello received a call from Shi Enxi. At first, he refused the calls she was giving him.

So what if someone is after her? It's not like it was his problem, right?

Those were what he thought at first but then, he finally thought that it was because of that person that his relationship with Fan Xiao Yao was over. If he caught the culprit and gave the evidence to Fan Xiao Yao, maybe there was a chance in getting back?

He finally answered Shi Enxi's call after that thought came in his mind, "Hello?"


"I'm sorry for not answering your calls these days... I was really busy."

"I... It's okay..."

He suddenly heard a soft sob from the other line which made his brows furrowed slightly. "Xi'er, are you alright?"

"M-Mello... I... I don't know what to do... I've been keeping this for a while and... and I'm afraid that my boyfriend will find out soon..." Just from hearing her crying voice, Lu Mello could feel the guilt from it. It was as if the guilt was killing her.

"I... I can't do this anymore... I can't..."

Shi Enxi has always been a good girl that was why doing something like that might be too much for her. Lu Mello thought.

"Xi'er, calm down. As long as you don't tell him anything, I'm sure that he will not know."

"B-but Mello... I... I am pregnant... and it's yours..."

When he heard those words, he felt heaven fell on him. His heart was clenched tight and he suddenly felt suffocated.

"I-I have always been... been... keeping myself pure... but... but after what happened... it won't be long before he'll find out about this..." Shi Enxi's voice was full of fear.

"I-I wanted to abort this child..."

Lu Mello snapped out after hearing her words. "Abort?"

"I-I'm in the hospital right now... but... but... I can't do this alone... Mello... you're the only one I can go to... so please... please help me." She was having a hard time speaking because of the lump she felt in her throat as she cried. " I-I can't do this alone. I know that this child is innocent but... but... I don't know what to do..." Her sobs became louder.

"Stay where you are." Lu Mello stood from his seat and took his coat. "Xi'er, wait for me and don't you do anything. Do you hear me? Wait for me."

He was not going to allow her to abort the baby. He could feel how much pain she was in through the call. Aborting the child is a hard thing to do for a person like her.

When Lu Mello thought that it was his child inside her, he couldn't think of aborting it. He has carried his siblings in his arms while they were babies that was why, he has always been soft towards the kids.

He was partially at fault as well so he has to take responsibility, right? That baby... it was his. He has to take full responsibility for that child.

He was told the truth about how his mother and father met. It wasn't like his mother expected Lu Mello to enter her life but she accepted him, she loved him even after what happened to her.

It was against Xia Meilin's principles to kill a child. If his mother didn't have those principles then... would he end up being born?

When Lu Mello thought about his own unborn child, he wanted to keep it. He was sure that his beloved mother, Xia Meilin, would do the same.


Shi Enxi ended the call and placed it on the table. Unlike how her voice sounded earlier, her face was void of emotions.

"He's on his way." She rested her chin on her palm. "Make sure you act your part well, okay?"

A handsome black-haired man was sitting before her. He was wearing glasses. "Are you sure about this?"

"I am." She turned toward the glass window and looked at the people that were walking by. "That Fan Xiao Yao will surely be coming back to Lu Mello. I can't have her take him away now that I have him in my grasp."

Huang Li sighed. He was against the idea of her marrying Lu Mello but for the sake of their plans, he has no choice but to go with it.

"What if he found out that the child is not his?"

Shi Enxi turned to him and raised a brow, "Are you going to tell him?"


"Then there's no problem. You're Asian, Mello's Asian. Besides, it's a baby, no one will be able to tell that the father is not him until the child will grow up. It's not like I'm going to stay married to him for a long time. Once I'm satisfied with the results, I can just divorce him."

"And how about our child?" Huang Li asked worriedly.

Shi Enxi's gaze turned soft. She placed a hand on her tummy. "I'm not that cruel, Gege. I'm not not going to hurt our child. I'll make sure to protect him well."

Huang Li sighed in relief. He reached out and held Shi Enxi's other hand. "Once everything is over... let's go somewhere else."

Shi Enxi knew the look in Huang Li's eyes. It was the look of love.

Huang Li has always been there for her throughout the years and yet... she couldn't bring herself to love him. She only saw him as her best friend even if he was the only one she trusted.

Shi Enxi held his hand back. "Okay."