I believe you

Lu Mello was deeply in love with Shi Enxi to the point where he was willing to blindly love her despite knowing what kind of person she was.

What made him love such a hideous woman? When did he start falling for her? Shi Enxi knew how to make someone fall for her, she knew how to use her feminine charms and because of that, she has successfully made him fall for her in the past.

What mattered to Lu Mello at that moment was that he should stop Shi Enxi from killing others. He didn't want her to be a criminal.

He knew how dangerous she could get and he would have to think of something to stop her. If there was someone who could go against her, he was pretty sure that he can do that. He has his lessons from his past life, he was not a clueless man who would easily fall for Shi Enxi's traps anymore.

"Thank you for dropping me home, Mello."

Lu Mello nodded and smiled, "If I have found something new in Mr. Wang's case, I'll let you know about it."

Ah, Lu Mello's kindness was definitely something. He was the perfect man that a woman could ever ask for but... Never would she trust a man so perfect, as far as she was concerned the more perfect the image the greater the danger underneath. Everyone has flaws and quirks, if they had been polished right out then trust wasn't even an option. She was never going to be deceived by a person's image, neither by their actions.

"I would really appreciate that. I will tell you if I have found someone acting suspiciously in the company."

After bidding goodbye to each other, Shi Enxi went inside the building. Upon reaching her condo, she was greeted by her cat, Vanilla.

She sat and petted her, "Did you miss me?"

The cat meowed in response, rubbing her head on her.

"Welcome back." A man came out of the kitchen. He was wearing a shirt and pajama underneath the apron.

His face was one of utmost confidence, whatever game this man played he wasn't accustomed to losing. He was wearing graded glasses and he welcomed Shi Enxi with a warm smile.

Shi Enxi reciprocated, letting her guards down. He was the only person that she could be herself with.

She stood up and went to give him a hug, "I'm home." She grinned happily at him. "What did you made for dinner?"

"I only made one for myself. I thought that you already had dinner with that detective Lu."

Shi Enxi rolled her eyes at what he said, "Oh please, you know that I prefer your homemade cooking than those in the restaurants." She pulled away and crossed her arms, "I'm hungry."

"Didn't you eat anything there?"

"I only had cake."

Huang Li sighed heavily at what she said. "How many times do I need to tell you that you should avoid eating sweets? It's not good for your health if you always eat one."

"Then you have to keep reminding me so that I won't forget." She snickered. She turned and leaned down, scooping up the cat in her arms. "Let's go eat the food that Huang Li-gege made!"

She ran to the kitchen like an excited kid.

Huang Li chuckled lightly and followed from behind. "I made your favorites."

"I thought that you only cook food for yourself? What's this?"

The table was filled with her favorite food. She was practically drooling at the sight of it.

"They're for you."

She placed the cat down before she turned back to him, her arms wide open. "Come here, come here, let me give you another hug, gege!"

Huang Li glowed at her adorable gesture. He walked toward her and hugged her back. He patted her head lightly, "Be a good girl and wash your hands before you eat."


"I'll quit my work as a detective and take over the company as long as you give me your permission to do what I want."

Lu Mello was standing before his father, inside his study.

Lu Yifeng was a bit surprised with what his son suddenly offered. "Are you sure about that?"

He knew how important being a detective is to Lu Mello. He loved his job and he was willing to let go of it because of a... girl?

Lu Yifeng knew that his wife would be glad to hear that Lu Mello was going to quit his job since she was actually against him taking such a dangerous job.

"Are you sure that you want to do it just because of a woman? More importantly, it's not Fan Xiao Yao, your childhood sweetheart."

Lu Mello went and sat on the sofa. He was open to his father and he didn't think that he should hide the truth from him. In fact, he needed someone who could advise him on something.

He has always admired his father since he was young and that didn't change even when he became an adult. He was hoping that his father could help him if he told the truth to him.

"Dad... do you believe in things like... you know, traveling back in the past?" Lu Mello started.

Lu Yifeng was startled with what his son said. "Come again?"

"Traveling through time. I know that it seemed impossible but I think that it happened to me." Lu Mello looked at him with a serious expression on his face.

"I wished so badly in my last breath. I wished and prayed: 'I want to save her, I want to be with her. If only, if only I can go back in time to change everything. I could have loved her better. She wouldn't have died if I have been more open to her, if I have been there for her when she needed me the most'. I kept on thinking of such things, dad... and the next thing I know... I woke up, back in the past."

When Lu Mello heard no response from his father, he chuckled lightly. "You must think that I'm becoming crazy, right? I won't force you to believe me."

He just wanted to let out the burden he was feeling inside his chest. If he had to be honest, aside from thinking of ways to stop Shi Enxi's schemes and ways to make her fall for him, he didn't know what to do.

He was afraid that if he continued on with his plans, he might end up being too forceful to Shi Enxi. He didn't want that, he didn't want to force her. He felt so pathetic... going after her. But what could he do? He has already fallen for her and thinking a life without her tormented him.

"I believe you." Lu Yifeng's deep voice filled the room.