
"I will have to think about it." Shi Enxi chuckled lightly. "You know that I don't easily make friends with men."

Lu Mello smirked mischievously, "I'm happy that you can see me as a man."

Shi Enxi wanted to roll her eyes but she stopped the urge to do that.

"Anyway, Xiao Yao is going to be hurt if you suddenly decided to give up on her." Shi Enxi turned serious but inside her, she would love that to happen. If only she could be a part of it. Maybe she can make Lu Mello fall for her instead?

With that, she can show it to Fan Xiao Yao and hurt her even more.

What she told him earlier was the truth. There were times that Fan Xiao Yao would call her since she was her close friend. And just like what she said, Fan Xiao Yao would always talk about Lu Mello. Whenever she was asked why she was still prolonging Lu Mello's courtship on her, she would always respond that she was not ready to be in a relationship yet.

"But if I am going to be your friend, then I have to be fair with both of you. All I can say is that, if you really love her, then you will wait for her. You should not allow anything to discourage you." She continued to eat her cake. "All I can do is advice you, you still have the last say in it."

"Thank you, Xiao Xi." Lu Mello knew that she didn't mean those words but even so, to be able to say that, if she were to act like a real friend, then she was definitely someone kind and caring.

Shi Enxi wanted to have a good impression in Lu Mello's eyes. After all, she needed to deceive him.

"By the way, why are you not touching your food? Aren't you starving?"

"Why yes, I am." He took his fork and knife. He started slicing the steak. "I'll drop you to your place after this."

"Alright." She watched him eat for a while.

She had to admit that Lu Mello was definitely eye-catching. He would be able to attract men too with his kind of feature. He inherited his father's handsomeness and his mother's charms.

If she was like other women, she would have already fallen in love at first sight already but she was immune at that. She grew up together with Lu Mengjie, Xia Liqin, and Lu Jinnian.

If she has to describe the man she likes, it was probably someone like Xia Liqin. The only sad side about it was that, Xia Liqin was her sister's son and he was younger than her by a few years.

She preferred older men with Xia Liqin's charms.

"Are you still staying with sister Bingbing?" Lu Mello asked, breaking the silence between them.

"No. I have bought my own condominium."

"Are you living alone then?"

Shi Enxi wanted to give him a sarcastic reply but she decided not to do it since it would be out of the character she was acting in front of him. "Yes, I am."

"Are you single?"

She blinked a few times at the sudden change of topic. "What?"

"I'm just curious. Besides, it's one way of knowing you more." He reasoned out.

She chuckled lightly, "Yes, I am currently single. Are you going to apply?"

Lu Mello laughed lightly at what she suddenly said. He knew that she was just joking and he decided to play along with it. "Can I?"

"No, you can't, after all, you are courting a friend of mine." She responded with a soft smile.

"Then if I stopped courting her, will you give me a chance?"

Shi Enxi's face became serious. She still has to act as Fan Xiao Yao's good friend even if she was enjoying her flirty moments with Lu Mello. "How can you easily say that?"

Lu Mello knew Shi Enxi's character, he only needed to give a little push to her. "I want to be honest with you, Xiao Xi. I hope that you won't tell Xiao Yao any of this."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"I want to tell all of these to her, myself." He took his glass of wine and swirled it for a while before he took a sip from it.

"I'm listening."

He placed the glass back on the table. "Just like what I said earlier, my parents wanted to arrange me to another person."

She crossed her arms, "And just like what I told you, you don't have to do what they want if you really don't want to."

"I know, I know. But you see... after I give my situation a thought... I can clearly see that I am not progressing with Xiao Yao. Aside from that, I have seen the profile of the woman I am supposed to marry. When I saw her profile, I fell in love with her at first sight."

Lu Mello already has his plans fixed. All he has to do was to convince his parents about it and ask for Shi Yi's permission to have his sister.

He knew that with Shi Enxi's personality, she would definitely go along with it. The only problem he would be facing was Huang Li.

He was Shi Enxi's boyfriend. If Lu Mello acted earlier than him, then he would have a head start in making Shi Enxi fall for him.

Lu Mello didn't know that Shi Enxi only thought of Huang Li as a friend. He thought that Shi Enxi really loved him that was why she cheated on him in his past life even after they got married.

Yes, he knew that she was seeing Huang Li behind the scenes. He even caught them once, entering a hotel. He wanted to go and lash out on them but... at that time, he was a coward. Even if all the evidence were in front of him, he refused to believe it.

He didn't want to believe that Shi Enxi was cheating on him. He would always make up excuses in his mind. He didn't want to see them together in a bed. It was too much for him to take in.

He thought that Shi Enxi was only staying with him for the sake of preventing Fan Xiao Yao from coming back to him.

His heart ached when he thought that Huang Li was the only man that Shi Enxi truly loved and trusted that was why she only wanted to carry Huang Li's child, not his.

Shi Enxi has always declined his advances back then. He respected her that was why he never forced her to make love with him. The only time that they slept together was that night where she drugged him.

"To be able to make you fall just by seeing her picture... She must be a goddess, right?"

"Yes, she is a goddess in my eyes. When I saw her in person, I felt something clicked between us, I suddenly felt like... she is the woman for me."

"Who is she?" Shi Enxi inquired, curious at who the woman could be.

"You'll know who she is soon." After that, he wiped his lips with a napkin. "Anyway, should we get going?"