Annoying person

An Chuxia gathered up her courage and refused. She stood up together with Zhang Yi.

"Do you think that we'll be afraid of you?" Zhang Yi scoffed.

Wang Nansheng snapped out of her trance. She went and stood beside her companions. "T-That's right! You act so high and mighty, let's see if you can act the same after we beat you up!"

The three girls attacked Shi Enxi at the same time.

They were like children in Shi Enxi's eyes. She studied martial arts together with her niece, Lu Mengjie when she transferred to their place that was why simple attacks wouldn't work against her.

The first thing she did was to evade their hands that were reaching out to her before she attacked them, giving their cheeks hard slaps that made the three lose their balance.

Shi Enxi went and took their phones before she went to the cubicle and flushed it in there.

"Y-You! We will remember this!"

"This is not over!"

The three women left the women's restroom in a hurry. They never expected Shi Enxi to refute their attacks, or that she knows Martial Arts. Their cheeks were swelling because of Shi Enxi's hard slaps.

"What a bunch of idiots." Shi Enxi walked toward the mirror and washed her hands in the sink. It was then that she noticed that there was someone else in the restroom, standing at the corner like a frightened rat.

Shi Enxi dried her hands before she turned to her. She kindly smiled at her as she reached out her hand to her. "Give me your phone."

"I-I didn't take any video so please don't throw it." The woman obediently handed her phone to Shi Enxi.

Just like the woman said, the woman's phone was clean.

Shi Enxi tossed the phone back to the woman. The woman almost had a heart attack when she tried to catch the phone. Luckily, she caught it well.

"My name is Cheng Yue." The woman was looking at her with grateful eyes.

"I didn't ask." Shi Enxi turned away from the woman and started heading out of the CR.

Cheng Yue quickly followed her from behind. "Thank you for saving me!"

"I didn't do it to help you."

"But still! You saved me! Can we be friends? I would love to be your friend! I am a trainee in Fleur Entertainment and I will be debuting as an artist so-"

"You know what?" Shi Enxi interrupted her. She turned to Cheng Yue with a blank look on her face. "I remembered saying that I hate annoying people and you sure are one so please stop following me if you don't want me to hit you next."

With that, Shi Enxi left Cheng Yue alone in the hallway.

Cheng Yue was staring at Shi Enxi's back with adoration. Shi Enxi may look fearsome at that time but she was a strong woman. Aside from that, she was very beautiful and gorgeous! An air of elegance surrounded her even when she dealt with Wang Nansheng and her gang. Her moves were graceful and delicate.

Wang Nansheng knew her right?

Was Shi Enxi a model or an actress too? But she never heard of her at all! Why was Wang Nansheng so threatened of Shi Enxi? With Shi Enxi's beauty and tough attitude, Cheng Yue was sure that if Shi Enxi became a model or an actress, she would catch the attention of many!


"I'm sorry for taking my time." Shi Enxi said with a small smile as she sat back on her seat, in front of Lu Mello.

The food was already set on the table.

"No, it's alright."

"So, how are things going between you and Xiao Yao? Are you still courting her or has she finally answered you?" Shi Enxi inquired, looking so interested in the topic. She took her fork and started to eat the slice of blueberry cheesecake that she ordered.

"Ah... about that." He scratched his cheek lightly with his finger. "I'm not sure about that anymore." He frankly said.

She raised a brow. "Not sure?"

"My parents want to introduce me to someone else." He smoothly lied at her. "And my father said that my sisters are still young, they lack experience in handling the company so I might have to take over it until my father change his mind about them."

"Xiao Yao is my friend. My close friend." Shi Enxi became emotional. "I know that it's not my position to say it but... if you really love her, you won't allow this thing to get in your way. Uncle Yifeng is an understanding man. I bet that if you explain it to him, he might change his mind and allow you to be with Xiao Yao instead."

Lu Mello knew that she was just saying that for the sake of her plans. He knew that she still thought that he was an important part of Fan Xiao Yao's life.

"That may be the case... but I want to hear it in Xiao Yao's side. It has been so many years and yet, she's not giving me an answer. I don't know if she really feels the same way to me."

Something flashed in Shi Enxi's eyes. She knew that Fan Xiao Yao loves Lu Mello back. The only reason why she wasn't giving him an answer yet was that she wanted to take time in thinking about it. Fan Xiao Yao enjoyed being single and thinking about sharing her life with another means that she wouldn't be able to spend her life like she used to. She wanted to make sure that being with Lu Mello was worth it.

Shi Enxi reached out her hand and held Lu Mello's hand, "Mello, I shouldn't be saying this but... Xiao Yao loves you. I know so because whenever she calls me, she would always talk about you."

Lu Mello stared at her hand that was holding his hand.

"As her friend, I don't want you to hurt her."

Lu Mello raised his head and looked at her. He was going along with her act, "If she really loves me then shouldn't she be giving me an answer by now?"

"I have already said too much. I think you should ask her that instead." She was about to retract her hand but it was caught by Lu Mello. He held her hand in place.

"I just realized that... this is the longest talk we ever had since we were young." He chuckled lightly.

"Now that you mention that, you're right." She smiled back at him. "Even if your mother and my sister were best friends, that doesn't seem to be the case for us."

"Yeah. That's true." He let go of her hand. He didn't want his thoughts to be that obvious to Shi Enxi since he knew how sharp she was.

"You give great advice and telling you my problem lightened my chest. I would love to know you more. It would be great if we could get close like my mother and sister Bingbing."

Shi Enxi nodded in agreement, "I don't mind being your close friend. You are working with my uncle's case and you are Xiao Yao's soon-to-be boyfriend so why not?"

"Ah, is that the only reason why you agreed to be close to me? What if I'm not dealing with your uncle's case and what if I'm not going to be Xiao Yao's boyfriend?" There were two meanings in Lu Mello's words but the playful way he conveyed it and the smile on his lips didn't give it away.