

After Lu Mello spoke with Fan Xiao Yao, he waited patiently for Shi Enxi's return since she went to the restroom.

Lu Mello noticed the bag on Shi Enxi's seat. Since Shi Enxi was out, he decided to look into her things.

He took her phone and found it locked.He tried to open it but failed. Shi Enxi was really being careful. If only he could open her phone and look through it...


Shi Enxi entered the restroom, she was surprised to see Wang Nansheng and her companions there, cornering another woman.

Just by seeing them that way, Shi Enxi could already guess that the three were bullying the woman who looked so troubled and disoriented. Her clothes were wet. She was leaning against the wall and fear was seen in her watery eyes.

When the woman saw Shi Enxi, there was a small hopeful glint that was seen in her eyes.

'Please help me... please call for help.' She kept on praying.

Wang Nansheng took a lazy glance at the person who entered the restroom only to be surprised as well.

"My, my, look who's here." Wang Nansheng stood straight and faced her, smirking.

Shi Enxi smiled at her but the smile she had on her lips didn't reach her eyes. How bad was her day going to get?

Her patience was running out ever since she sat in the same room as Lu Mello. She has walked out to cool off but who would have that that she would suddenly bump into one of the people she hated.

Was her patience being tested? "Good evening, cousin."

"Cousin?" Wang Nansheng scoffed. "Who's cousin are you again?"

Zhang Yi and An Chuxia who were also models like Wang Nansheng and they were her close friends since high school.

They were all tall and have slender bodies. They were wearing dresses that hugged their bodies, showing off their curvy figure.

Shi Enxi was in no mood to entertain them. The smile on her lips disappeared and she finally showed the displeasure she has for them.

Wang Nansheng furrowed her brows slightly, "Bitch, what kind of look are you giving me?"

"Don't you know how to describe?" Shi Enxi placed a hand on her waist. She heaved out a long sigh, "I think stupid people were put on this planet to test my anger management skills."

Wang Nansheng glared at Shi Enxi. "I'm surprised by how brave you became, Enxi. It looks like I have to teach you a lesson again."

Zhang Yi walked passed Shi Enxi and locked the door behind her. "When was the last time we saw each other?"

Shi Enxi didn't move an inch, she allowed her to do that. There was no sign of panic or fear in her eyes. She was not a kid anymore, she was not scared of being bullied by Shi Nansheng anymore.

"You really should know your place." Zhang Yi reached out and was about to grab her hair from behind but she didn't expect Shi Enxi to move at the side and avoid her.

"Oh, I know my place well." Shi Enxi smirked darkly, "And it's higher than yours."

Shi Nansheng was so irritated by Shi Enxi that she ended up shouting, "Get her and beat her!"

Shi Enxi stood calmly on her ground as she watched Zhang Yi and An Chuxia, trying to corner her. They were about to grab her but she leaned down just in time and passed by them using the space in between.

She turned to them and pushed them hard to the ground. Zhang Yi and An Chuxia were caught off guard. They didn't expect that she was going to refute that way!

Wang Nansheng was surprised as well. It angered her more when she saw how Shi Enxi was fighting them back.

"Ugly bitch!" Wang Nansheng attacked her this time.

"You know..." She paused and turned her gaze to her cousin.

When Wang Nansheng saw the dangerous look on Shi Enxi's eyes, she ended up stopping on her tracks. She never thought that a kind-looking woman like her could give such a scary look!

Shi Enxi took a step toward her. Her glare sucked something out of Wang Nansheng. She visibly wilted before her first clipped word was uttered.

The room's temperature went down and chills could be felt by everyone in the room. They ended up holding their breaths.

She placed a hand on her shoulder. Instead of feeling the hand, Wang Nansheng felt a boulder, pressing her down. "You shouldn't call me that. I'm a human, not a mirror."

She made Shi Nansheng face the mirror. A bone-chilling smile slowly crept its way in Shi Enxi's lips as she went and stood behind her.

Shi Nansheng's leg started shaking since Shi Enxi was giving that scary feeling. It was like she was in a horror movie and a dangerous ghost was standing behind her. No- she isn't a ghost... it's more than that. She's a female devil!

"If you think that I'm still the coward, feeble little girl back then... think again, dear cousin." Shi Enxi's whispering voice behind her made the hair in her whole body stand. She could feel a dangerous killing intent coming from her.

"I don't have the energy to pretend to like you today. Didn't you know that I have a bad temper? I tend to trample down those who annoy me the most."

Shi Enxi wasn't afraid that Shi Nansheng would go and badmouth her to others. Shi Nansheng was already known as someone who openly bullies others because of the backing she has. If she was to spread something, she would need proof for it.

Speaking of proof...

She let go of her cousin and turned to An Chuxia who was secretly taking a video while she was sitting on the ground.

"Amateurs. Can't you at least hide that well from me?" She turned to her and reached out her phone to her. "Give it to me."