Kill for me

Shi Enxi didn't know how long she cried out but when she was able to finally ease down, she suddenly felt embarrassed for crying like a kid in front of her brother.

She was currently sitting on the sofa in her brother's office. She was quietly gazing at the glass of milk that her brother gave her. There were times where she would steal glances at her brother who was busy canceling his meetings for the day.

It was supposed to be Shi Enxi's job to do that but Shi Yi insisted in doing since his sister was in no condition for that.

Shi Enxi couldn't stop thinking of whether to confess the truth to her brother since the guilt she was feeling inside was eating her up.

When she thought about confessing, she couldn't help but get scared. She didn't want her brother to hate her.

Shi Yi went to sit beside Shi Enxi after ending the call. "I will go to the Lu family later to decline their offer."

Shi Enxi shook her head, "It's alright, gege. I accept the offer."

Even if she began becoming soft towards her brother, that doesn't mean that her plans towards other people will change. She only decided to spare her brother from her schemes. It wasn't her brother's fault that he was taken in by their grandparents.

Her brother was still young at that time and he didn't have any rights to do whatever he wanted. No wonder he wasn't able to come and save her back then... the people who were truly at fault were her grandparents!

Shi Enxi's mind wasn't conceited. She wasn't planning on killing them just because of that. Their grandparents were kind people, they would even call every week to check on her.

It was Shi Anhao who wanted to adopt her. Maybe if it wasn't for that pretentious woman who was after Shi Enxi's inheritance, she would be taken in by her grandparents!

If it wasn't for her sister, Li Bingbing, Shi Anhao would probably already have her ways in obtaining Shi Enxi's inheritance in the family business. In the end, Shi Anhao was the real culprit!

Shi Enxi was blinded. If she wasn't able to realize things earlier, maybe she would regret killing her brother in the future. Being blinded by hate was such a dangerous thing.

Revenge. revenge. Shi Enxi was only driven by revenge. She clenched her fists. Even now, Shi Anhao was ruining her life by driving her mad with the hatred she was feeling for her.

Shi Yi was surprised when he heard his sister's words. "Xiao Xi, you don't have to force yourself in it."

Shi Enxi looked at her brother with a gentle look in her eyes. She felt an unexplainable feeling growing in her chest when she saw how worried and concerned her brother was for her.

"It's okay. I don't have anyone I love. It is better for me to have an arranged marriage with someone I know. As for my friend, Xiao Yao..." She paused and lowered her head. "I will try to explain it to her. I'm sure that Xiao Yao will understand my situation."

Shi Enxi wasn't over with Fan Xiao Yao. The envy she felt for her has long turned into hate.

Shi Yi became serious after hearing what his sister said. "What if you fell in love with someone else? You don't have to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of the business."

Shi Enxi placed her hand on top of her brother's hand. "This is not just any business, this company is what our beloved parents left us, brother. That's why it's important for me too."

"Xiao Xi..."

"As for my happiness... I can come in terms with Lu Mello. I'm pretty sure he will listen to it."

Shi Yi ended up patting his sister's head. His sister really has a heart of gold! The world doesn't deserve his righteous sister!

"Alright. If that's what you really want. But if you decided to back down from it or if you need help in divorcing that bastard, Mello, Gege will help you!"

"..." Brother... I'm not yet married to Lu Mello and yet you're already talking about divorce...

Shi Enxi ended up laughing lightly. "Don't worry, you'll be the first person I'll go to if I need help with something."

Shi Enxi chuckled when she saw the pleased look on Shi Yi's face.

"You can count on me, I'll do anything for you!"

"Really? Anything?"


"How about killing someone for me?" (^^)

Shi Yi blinked a few times. Did he hear it right? "Dear sister, I don't think I can kill someone."

When Shi Yi saw the disappointed look on Shi Enxi's eyes, he quickly added, "But I can hire someone to kill for us."

Shi Enxi stared at her brother for a while. Shi Yi was looking so serious as if he was really going to do it for her.

The room was shortly filled with her melodious laughter, "I'm joking~ Joking! Don't be so serious about it, gege!"

Shi Yi inwardly sighed in relief. Of course, there's no way that his soft-hearted sister would allow him to do such a hideous crime.


Lu Mello was in his office, on the topmost floor of the Skywort Corporation.

He was holding some documents and was staring at it for a while. He may look like he was reading it but in reality, his mind was flying off somewhere.

If things went according to his plans, Shi Yi will be spared from Shi Enxi's plans.

He knew what kind of person Shi Yi was. He may be a dumb and thickheaded man but he really cares for his sister just like how Lu Mello cares for his siblings.

Lu Mello sighed. He still doesn't understand how his sister, Lu Weichun, fell for someone like Shi Yi. He couldn't help but question his sister's decisions.

He admitted that there were times where Shi Yi was sharp especially when it was about work. Shi Yi has always been a proud bastard, his head would always be held high and he rarely accepts defeat! His only soft whenever it came to his Shi Enxi and Lu Weichun... was that a good thing?

How can a person be so dumb and intelligent at the same time? Lu Mello was so amazed by that part of Shi Yi.

A knock interrupted him from his thoughts. When he raised his head, he saw Liu Ying, his assistant, enter the office.

"Mr. Lu, I have finished taking care of the arrangement for the Golden Eagle Awards after-party. I have assigned Zhao Yu to keep an eye on Ms. Shi Ansheng."

"Good." He took a glance at his wristwatch. There was only an hour left before Fan Xiao Yao's plane will arrive.

"Prepare the car, we're heading to the airport."

"Yes, sir."