Let me hit you

Lu Mello waited for Fan Xiao Yao's arrival. After the plane she was in finally landed, it wasn't long when he saw Fan Xiao Yao walking towards him.

Fan Xiao Yao was wearing a baby blue dress that reached down to her knees. Her soft black hair tumbled down her back as she walked. Her black eyes were delicate and bright. She is a well-mannered woman and the way she dressed was always reserved.

It has been so long since Lu Mello last saw her and she looked the same as ever. The only thing that changed at that moment was... his love for her was gone.

She smiled upon seeing Lu Mello. She waved and walked toward him.

"Welcome to Imperial City." Lu Mello smiled back at her.

"Thank you, Mello." She chuckled softly.

Lu Mello helped her with her baggage before he led her to his car. Liu Ying helped his boss on putting her things in the car's trunk.

Since it was almost lunchtime, Lu Mello decided to bring her to a restaurant.

"How's your work?" Fan Xiao Yao started a topic while they were in the car. "How many case cases you solved so far?"

"So far, it is going great."

"Are you going to attend some event after this?"


"You're wearing a suit." Fan Xiao Yao pointed.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you that I am currently handling the company."

Fan Xiao Yao raised a brow, "Really? Does that mean that you're working with to jobs at the same time?"

"You can say that."

"Is uncle Yifeng pressuring you too much? You should try talking it out to him you know."

Lu Mello felt guilty since his father was taking all the blame for his actions and decisions.

His father didn't mind helping him but it wasn't for free. Lu Yifeng was only helping him in return, when he and Xia Meilin go for two weeks vacation, he has to babysit his little brothers!

Fan Xiao Yao noticed the troubled look on Lu Mello's face that she couldn't help but get bothered about it. "Mello, is everything alright?"

Lu Mello held Fan Xiao Yao's hand, "I don't want to hurt you. I really don't want to hurt you, Xiao Yao... I also don't want to lie to you."

It was the first time that Liu Ying saw his boss look so troubled. When the Board was trying to put pressure on him during his work, Lu Mello was calm enough to ignore them and instead, he proved himself to them by showing them how easily he can handle the problems they throw at him.

Fan Xiao Yao watched him hesitate. She could feel the tightness of his hold around her hand.

"I appreciate that you wanted to be honest with me, Mello." She held back her hand. "And I will stay true to what I have told you before. I will not blame you if you have started to love someone else."

Lu Mello looked at her in surprise, "You... knew?"

Fan Xiao Yao chuckled a bit, "I guessed." She has already noticed that something unusual in Lu Mello's actions the moment she saw him at the airport. He was not... flirty like usual.

She tried to remain calm even if she felt like someone was tearing her heart inside her chest. "I told you before right? As long as we are not in a relationship yet, you are free to love someone else. After all, there are so many wonderful people around... so I will not consider you cheating on me since you are not mine yet."

If there was a person who has a really kind heart, it was Fan Xiao Yao.

She looked at him with her tearful gaze. She was trying her best not to cry and it hurt him when he saw her that way.

"Who is she?"

Lu Mello lowered his head. There was no use in hiding it from her. "Shi Enxi."

Shi Enxi?

Fan Xiao Yao chuckled lightly. She pulled her hand away from his hold to wipe her tears. "I'm glad that of all the people that you choose to love, it's her."

If it was Shi Enxi, then Fan Xiao Yao was willing to back down.

Lu Mello raised his head to look at her. He was not expecting such a reaction from her.

"That girl, she deserves to be truly loved." Fan Xiao Yao was a sharp woman. She has already noticed since High School the envious gaze that Shi Enxi gave her although as years passed, Shi Enxi became better in hiding them.

Fan Xiao Yao has always been careful of Shi Enxi. Instead of hating her because of the small bullies she made behind her back, she tried to understand her that was why she still befriend her.

During high school, there were times where she accidentally caught Shi Enxi going to the women's CR. When Fan Xiao Yao secretly followed her inside. She heard soft sobs coming for the cubicle that Shi Enxi entered.

Fan Xiao Yao didn't know the reason behind it but it must be why she decided to put a certain distance to others.

Shi Enxi has always been admired as one of the beauties in their school. She helped those who were troubled in their studies and she was even willing to stand for the students who were bullied by others.

She was known as a kind-hearted goddess in the school and because of that reason, there were students who felt like they were not worthy to be Shi Enxi's friends.

Whenever someone would try to be her friends, there were some students who would question them, "Are you worthy to stand beside our kind-hearted goddess?"

And so, others were discouraged on getting close to her. The only person who approached her was Huang Li who was their senior.

Fan Xiao Yao was a year older than Shi Enxi and she was the only person who was willing to approach her and befriend her openly.

Speaking of Huang Li... Wasn't he close to Shi Enxi? Shi Enxi has always told her that Huang Li was someone important to her... what if she loves him instead?

"Does she loves you back?" Fan Xiao Yao asked with a serious look on her face.

"Well..." Lu Mello trailed off. He avoided Fan Xiao Yao's intense gaze, "Not yet. But I am positive that in the future she will love me back that's why an arranged marriage has already been decided-"


The loud crispy slap filled the car.

Fan Xiao Yao glared coldly at Lu Mello. It was the same glare that he received in his past when she found out about his 'betrayal'.

"You're going to force her to love you?! What if she loves someone else?"

"Ah...?" Lu Mello was dumbfounded. He thought that she was angry because of the arranged marriage he has already planned out and that she felt more cheated by him in that way.

"You stupid! Idiot Mello! I'm not going to give Xi'er to you if you're going to just force her! You know that Xi'er is like my little sister! If you're just going to end up hurting her then it's better if I beat you right now!" She threw punches at him.

Lu Mello was surprised by the sudden turn of events. He was trying to evade her punch. He suddenly felt the urge to jump out of the car just to escape Fan Xiao Yao's fury!

"Let me hit you, d*mmit!"

Aside from wanting to hit him because of Shi Enxi, she wanted to hit him because of the pain she was feeling. She was still hurt since she has already fallen in love with him.

"Let me explain! Let me explain!"

Liu Ying who was quietly driving the car closed the partition. He didn't see or hear anything. Nope. Nothing. He didn't see his boss' idiotic state.

As Fan Xiao Yao continued on trying to hit him, her tears fell. "Stupid... Idiot... Mello."