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Lu Mello stopped blocking her when he saw her tears. "Xiao Yao..."

Beating him for the sale of Shi Enxi was just a cover. In reality, Fan Xiao Yao was beating him because she was badly hurt.

Fan Xiao Yao stopped hitting him and instead, she leaned and buried her face on his chest. "I... I don't want to make it complicated but... I think that I should let you know my feelings."

She clenched her fists tightly before she pushed herself to lean away from him. She looked at him with a pained smile plastered on her lips. "I... I love you, Mello."

Lu Mello already knew that he has successfully made Fan Xiao Yao fallen for him. In his past life, she confessed to him after a few days after arriving in the Imperial City.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me." She wiped away her tears, "You don't have to choose me... I'll be fine after a few days so don't worry... just give me space, okay? A... And don't make it harder for me..."

Lu Mello leaned and hugged her, "I'm really sorry, Xiao Yao."

Fan Xiao Yao didn't push him away. She wouldn't be able to hug him freely in the next days. It was better for them to have a closure like this. "It's okay, I understand..."

If he didn't fall in love with Shi Enxi, maybe things would turn out different when he traveled back in time. He would probably have a perfect life with Fan Xiao Yao while he was trying to stop Shi Enxi's schemes. But things didn't turn out that way.

Lu Mello knew that Fan Xiao Yao deserved better. In the past, after a year they separated, she fell in love with someone else... someone he knows and that person will be arriving with his sister, Lu Xingyan, next week but it will take a long time before Fan Xiao Yao and that man meet and fall in love with each other.

Lu Mello wanted Fan Xiao Yao to be happy. She deserved to be happy so... maybe he should make them meet early?

"Mello, please take care of Xi'er." She leaned back and looked at him with her red and puffy eyes. "I'm serious about it."

The side of Lu Mello's lips curled up, his gaze softened as he looked at her.

Shi Enxi once told him in the past that there was no one other than Huang Li who truly cared for her but in reality, if she looked closer, if she opened her heart, there were actually some people who cared so much for her. Some were even willing to sacrifice for her.

Fan Xiao Yao truly considered Shi Enxi like her sister and yet, Shi Enxi betrayed her trust by plotting against her and by destroying the engagement Fan Xiao Yao had with him in the past.

Why did Shi Enxi hate Fan Xiao Yao so much?


"Gege... I'm not a kid anymore." Shi Enxi was staring at the lively amusement park in front of her. "I think that... we should be going back to work."

"Nonsense! Didn't you always love the amusement park?"

"That was a long time ago!"

Shi Yi wasn't going to let go of the opportunity to spend his day with his sister. "I have cleared my schedule today, it will be a waste if we don't do anything about that."

"Then go invite Xiao Chun to a date," replied Shi Enxi with a blank look on her face.

Shi Yi looked at his sister for a while. Who was this cold-hearted woman? Where was his sweet sister?

Shi Enxi realized the weird look her brother was giving her. She was only being herself and yet her brother was looking at her as if she was an entirely different person.

Well... She didn't want to act in front of her brother anymore. She wanted to be herself so... he should get used to it!

She raised a brow and crossed her arms, "What are you looking at?"

"Tell me, Xiao Xi... are you still angry with me?"

"No, I'm not. Why should I be angry with gege?"

Shi Yi didn't know what to say. It was just... he wasn't used to this side of her.

Shi Enxi decided to go easy on him that was why she went and clung on his arm. "Since we're already here, I guess we just have to continue on with your plans."

"If your boyfriend asked you for a place on where to have your date, what will you say?" He suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"I'm asking what if?"

"Hm..." Shi Enxi started giving it a thought. "If I were to choose a place... I prefer quiet places like the museum."

"So... you don't like amusement park anymore?"

"It's not that I don't like it. Amusement parks are fine." She started dragging him toward the roller coaster line. "Anyway, let's try that, shall we?"

As they started on trying out the rides, Shi Enxi started enjoying it with her brother.

Not far from them, Huang Li was watching the two. He received a message from Shi Enxi earlier that she was going to forgive her brother that was why Huang Li decided to check on her.

So it was true... Shi Enxi was finally getting along with her brother.

Huang Li was relieved when he saw how happy Shi Enxi looked. He was actually against her plans on killing her own brother.

When was the last time did he saw her this happy?


After enjoying some rides, the two Shi siblings decided to rest and have some dessert in a pastry shop.

"Brother, I want to be a manager." Shi Enxi casually said after taking a sip from the vanilla milkshake in front of her.

"A manager?"

"I only tried out to be your secretary since..." She paused and continued in her mind.

She only agreed to be Shi Yi's secretary because of the plans she had against him.

"... I want to have an experience." Shi Enxi continued.

Shi Yi wasn't surprised with what Shi Enxi wanted. He was actually waiting for the day for her to tell him about it.

Even if they studied different schools, Shi Yi was always updated when it comes to his sister.

Shi Enxi graduated from Imperial City Media College. It was the top media college in the country. She didn't want to be an actress, but a manager.

"I want to produce the best artists for our company that is why I want to start from the beginning again."

"I will support you in your decision." Shi Yi smiled. "Just tell me if you need anything."

Shi Enxi shook her head. "I want to be independent, brother. I don't want to use my position as your sister as an advantage. As I said, I want to start from the beginning."

"But some of the staffs in the company already know you."

"Some doesn't mean everyone. They are just some directors in some departments. Besides, I don't want to work in the main office. Assign me to one of our subsidiary corporations. I don't mind being assigned to the Little Prince Media."

Shi Yi frowned at her suggestion. Little Prince Media? That was the weakest among all of them. "No, not there."

"I told you, I want to help our company produce great artists that is why I have to start at the bottom." She honestly said. She wasn't like the others who would take the opportunity to jump in a high position just because a family was handling the work.

"But Xiao Xi... it won't be that easy."

"I know." Shi Enxi loved being challenged. She was a proud woman and just like her brother, she was someone who doesn't like to accept defeat.

"You already know that I'm the type of person who won't give up without a fight." Her eyes curved as she smiled, "I want to see how far my managerial abilities will take me."