Scheming for a hard fall

Shi Yi knew that he wouldn't be able to stop his sister from what she wanted when he saw her determined look.

The side of his lips curled up into a smile. His sister never changed. She always has this persistent side with her ever since they were young.

Whenever their father taught them how to cook new dishes, it wasn't always easy but Shi Enxi loved to learn how to cook since she wanted to know how the food she was eating was made.

She never gets discouraged even if the food she was trying to make ended up being burnt. Instead, she found amusement in how difficult some dishes were made.

He ended up missing their father when he thought back to that. Their father wasn't just a good businessman, he was loving and he would always cook for them.

Well... one of the reasons why he was the one taking care of the food was because he didn't want Mu Xijiu, their mother, to enter the kitchen just because of that one time when she accidentally made a cut on her finger.

Shi Fen was an overprotective husband towards his wife and it was to the point where Mu Xijiu would always end up complaining.

"Alright... but if you need help, I'm always here, okay? Don't push yourself too hard."

Shi Enxi's heart softened more at her brother's caring words. "Don't worry, gege, I know how to take care of myself."


It has been days since Shi Enxi was preparing her transfer to the Little Prince media. Her brother has given her a list of artists to choose on who to manage. She wasn't choosing anyone yet since she was looking through their background and their capabilities. There was none who was star-worthy!

The only trump card they have was Zi Xuan, who was under Hen Ruying. Little Prince was already at pits and they were only relying on one artist. If it wasn't for Zi Xuan, LPM would have been long gone.

What to do? This matter was so hard to take care of but Shi Enxi didn't regret anything. Instead, she found pleasure in it.

She didn't want to take Zi Xuan who was under Hen Ruying for a long time already. She wanted to start from the bottom.

As she flipped through the pages, to her surprise, she found Fan Xiao Yao's name in it.

Why was her name there?

She knew that Fan Xiao Yao was working as an actress in some small company but... why in LPM? Aside from that, she has been in LPM for almost two years already? Why didn't she hear of this?

Shi Enxi may not be focusing much on Fan Xiao Yao's life for the past months since she was busy plotting her schemes against Wang Hao but why would Fan Xiao Yao choose to work in LPM?

Was her acting skills not good that the other companies refused to take her in?

Unlike Shi Enxi, Fan Xiao Yao studied in Imperial City Films College. Being able to study and graduate from there means that a person has good acting skills!

"Why are you frowning?" Huang Li asked.

"I'm just wondering if Xiao Yao is actually an idiot."

Huang Li raised a brow. It has been so long since he last heard that name from Shi Enxi's mouth. He knew the hatred Shi Enxi have for Fan Xiao Yao but it wasn't the same as the hatred she has for her relatives.

"What did she do this time?" He placed the mug of hot choco on her table.

"She's actually an artist under LPM."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Shi Enxi chuckled at what Huang Li said, "Maybe?"

Although deep inside, Shi Enxi knew that Fan Xiao Yao wasn't a stupid woman. She was curious about why she planned to work under LPM.

She took her phone out and called Fan Xiao Yao.

It ringed a few times before the call went through. "Hello?"

"Xiao Yao!" Shi Enxi's voice became lively. "I heard that you're back in Imperial City! I'm sorry if I wasn't able to give you a call for the past days... I was really busy."

A soft chuckle was heard from the other line. "It's alright. Would you want to meet up in one of these days? I'm currently in a break since the movie I was acting in has finally ended."

"Oh! Really? I really want to hang out with you! Are you still living in the same place? I can visit you there instead!"

"Yes, I am. I would love to have you over."

"Is it alright if I visit you tomorrow?"

"Of course. You are always welcome in my place, Xi'er."

Shi Enxi noticed that there was something strange in Fan Xiao Yao's tone. "Xiao Yao... are you alright?"

"..." Fan Xiao Yao didn't speak when she heard Shi Enxi's question. It was quiet for a while on the other line.

Could it be... the news has already reached Fan Xiao Yao's ears?

The last time that Shi Enxi met Lu Mello was when they had dinner together. Ever since then, they never saw each other. Maybe it was because they were both busy with their work so Shi Enxi never doubted anything about Lu Mello.

She remembered what she heard from Lu Mello that night. He was going to pick Fan Xiao Yao from the airport and it has already been days since then.

Did Lu Mello tell her about their engagement?

She was supposed to meet the Lu family together with her brother for a family dinner the night after tomorrow. She knew that it would also where their arranged marriage will become official.

If Fan Xiao Yao has already found out about it... then no wonder she sounded strange on the other line.

A smirk found its way on Shi Enxi's lips. Just as what she expected, Lu Mello was someone so close to Fan Xiao Yao's heart. Of course, she'll be heartbroken once she hears of Lu Mello's arranged marriage with Shi Enxi.

"Xiao Yao... I want to tell you something but... I want to tell it to you in person." Shi Enxi wanted to see the pitiful look on Fan Xiao Yao's face. She was rather excited to see it.

"I already know, Xi'er."

"I-I'm sorry, Xiao Yao..." A soft sob was heard from Shi Enxi. "I tried... I tried to convince my brother but he wouldn't listen... I-I'm so sorry."

Huang Li quietly watched Shi Enxi lie and act out. He was already used in seeing the same trick from her. He stood there without saying a word until Shi Enxi's conversation with Fan Xiao Yao ended.

Shi Enxi turned to Huang Li with a serious look on her face. "Find out Fan Xiao Yao's role in the movie she was in."

"Are you planning on taking her in?" Huang Li knew how Shi Enxi's mind worked. She was not going to waste the chance of ruining Fan Xiao Yao further.

Shi Enxi let out a nasty smile. "I'll bring her up so high so that she can have a hard fall in the future."