
Shi Enxi soon found out that Fan Xiao Yao had a minor role in the movie 'Negotiator' and as she watched her scenes, she saw Fan Xiao Yao has potential.

She may have desires to ruin Fan Xiao Yao but she needed to take care of other important matters first. She could use Fan Xiao Yao as a stepping stone.

Shi Enxi has already told her brother that she wanted Fan Xiao Yao to be her artist. That's why everything was managed quickly. He ordered someone to tidy her office and gave her the best room in Rosarium's staff dormitory. Many famous managers and stars lived there. Even small artists were given the privilege to live there as long as they were signed under Rosarium.

Fan Xiao Yao happened to live there under the building that was assigned for the LPM artists. She would only use that place from time to time since she was living in West City District.

Just like what she told Fan Xiao Yao, she went to visit her the following day. At the same time, she decided to bring some of her things there. It was just a temporary place for the convenience of her work.

She passed by the room that was given to her first to drop her things there before she headed to Fan Xiao Yao's place.

On her way, Shi Enxi received the other details about how Fan Xiao Yao's situation was at work from Huang Li. Her eyes darkened when she saw that.

"Xi'er." Fan Xiao Yao greeted her with a smile upon opening her door for her. Despite the smile, Fan Xiao Yao's eyes were puffy as if she has cried for so long. She tried to hide it with her makeup but it was no use, Shi Enxi was able to notice it.

Shi Enxi was pleased with it even though she has a complicated look on her face because of the topic they had last night. The moment she saw Fan Xiao Yao, she pounced and hugged her, "Please don't hate me, Xiao Yao!"

In Fan Xiao Yao's eyes, Shi Enxi was like a child for her. Even if she was hurting inside, she didn't want Shi Enxi to get worried about her.

"What are you saying?" She patted her head. "I have already told you last night that it's okay. I can't do anything about it but to let go of Mello."

"But Xiao Yao..."

Fan Xiao Yao also promised Lu Mello that she was not going to tell Shi Enxi about the feelings Lu Mello started to have for Shi Enxi.

Even if it was hard, she still considered Lu Mello as her friend.

"Anyway, come in. Someone might think that I'm the one who made you cried." She chuckled a bit.

She gently held Shi Enxi in her arms and brought her in. After allowing her to sit on the sofa in the living room, Fan Xiao Yao went to get a glass of milk for Shi Enxi.

Fan Xiao Yao's villa was big although the only sad thing about it was that aside from her, she was only living together with her housekeeper who would come by from time to time.

"Let's not talk about Mello, okay? I'm trying not to think about it already. There are other things more important than that."

Shi Enxi didn't anticipate Fan Xiao Yao to think of that way. She was expecting her to be more depressed and damaged.

She couldn't be this nice, right?

Even if it was just for a second, Fan Xiao Yao saw the displeasure that flashed in Shi Enxi's eyes.

Fan Xiao Yao suddenly felt so aggrieved. She didn't want to hate or to be enemies with the only person who was like a sister to her. If Shi Enxi was really planning on betraying her then she didn't have a choice but to fight back.

As for Lu Mello's case, she didn't want to force him into her if he doesn't have feelings for her already. Fan Xiao Yao was the type of person who knew when to stop.

Her life was already breaking apart. It was only a matter of time before she would turn jobless. As she grew, her relatives became distant to her since they have their own families to take care.

She didn't want to trouble them any longer that was why she chose to leave the house as soon as she graduated from college.

And now, Lu Mello stopped loving her and Shi Enxi was scheming something against her.

"I'm just going to use the restroom." Fan Xiao Yao hurriedly went to the restroom.

Shi Enxi thought that she was just badly hurt because of the News about her arranged marriage with Lu Mello.

She stood up and started looking around the living room. The only photos she was the photos of Fan Xiao Yao's parents.

They both lost their parents at such a young age. Unlike her, Fan Xiao Yao didn't have any siblings but she was still loved by her relatives, right?

Shi Enxi went and took the empty glass and decided to bring it back in the kitchen. She noticed a medicine bottle by the counter and when she decided to have a closer look.

SSRIs? What was this for? Was Fan Xiao Yao sick?

She took out her phone and searched for it.

What the... SSRIs are antidepressants pills? Why would Fan Xiao Yao take them?

She placed the bottle back and placed the glass on the sink before she returned back to the living room. Shi Enxi's mind was busy thinking of the bottle she saw.

She noticed that Fan Xiao Yao was taking a bit long and for some reason, she couldn't help but feel nervous about it.

She decided to check on her.

"Xiao Yao?" She knocked at the restroom's door.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Xi'er. I have a stomach ache... I'll be out in a moment."

Shi Enxi clenched her fists as if she was contemplating whether to open the door or not since she found out that the door wasn't locked.

In the end, she decided to open the door.

She saw Fan Xiao Yao curling at the end of the restroom and was trying to wipe her tears.

Shi Enxi's brows furrowed when she saw her that way. Does she really have... depression?

Fan Xiao Yao was startled when she saw Shi Enxi standing before her. "X-Xi'er?"

Shi Enxi's eyes turned cold as she took a step towards her. "Are you this weak?"

"You know, I'm really disappointed with you right now." She had enough of acting nice towards Fan Xiao Yao.

"How pathetic. I wonder how long will it be before you try and kill yourself. Do you want me to help you with it?"