Pack your things

Shi Enxi showed her true colors to Fan Xiao Yao and this wasn't taken well by her. Fan Xiao Yao was surprised by the 180 degrees change in Shi Enxi's expression. The kindness and innocence she has on her face were replaced by something devious.

"Everyone may have liked you when you were young but things can change when you step out into the world of adults, Fan Xiao Yao." Shi Enxi stood in front of her as if she was cornering a prey. "You easily trust others and that's your biggest weakness. Not everyone can be moved by kindness."

What Shi Enxi said was true. Fan Xiao Yao has already been tricked by others a few times. Gaining enemies in the entertainment industry because of the competition inside was something normal.

Shi Enxi was not the only one who hated Fan Xiao Yao. In fact, ever since she entered the entertainment course during college, there were a few people who grew jealous of her. Some were people from a wealthy family and because of that, Fan Xiao Yao was suppressed by them, making her end up in LPM. Even the big roles she wanted was snatched from her.

For the past months, Fan Xiao Yao endured all of that until she ended up being depressed. There was just so much pressure for her.

Shi Enxi bent and held Fan Xiao Yao's chin, raising it to make her face her.

Fan Xiao Yao met Shi Enxi's icy stare and it gave her goosebumps.

"Why are you so quiet? If you're going to remain a weakling like this then I have no use of you." Shi Enxi straightened her back. "What a waste. I expected more than this from you."

Fan Xiao Yao lowered her head. Shi Enxi's words were like knives, stabbing her continuously. She laughed a bit, "I really am pathetic, aren't I? But... it's too much... even if I tried to fight back... I'll just end up in the same place."

"Oh?" Shi Enxi raised a brow, "Have you really ever tried?"

"I am not rich, Xi'er... I will not lower myself and sleep with some man just to have the role I want." Although Fan Xiao Yao tried to convince the director once by doing it in the end, she backed out.

Tears formed at the side of her eyes. There was no other way to convince them. Talent was nothing to them if money was placed in front of them.

The more Fan Xiao Yao thought of it, her tears ended up falling. She felt her chest tightening and she felt more alone than ever.

Shi Enxi laughed as if she was mocking what she said, "Others are able to sleep around just to have the roles they wanted, why not you?" She smirked, "Oh, is it because of Lu Mello?"

She scoffed, "Wow. How loyal of you. What a good girl you really are, Fan Xiao Yao."

Shi Enxi didn't have Fan Xiao Yao in her 'To kill' list, she only wanted to ruin her life but seeing that her life was already in a bad condition, she felt frustrated instead.

The chilly smile on Shi Enxi's lips disappeared. "Get up."

Fan Xiao Yao didn't listen. She buried her face on her knees and continued to cry. She just wanted everything to end. The muscles of her chin trembled like a small child. There was static in her head once more, the side effect of her constant fear, constant stress she lived with. The walls that hold her up, collapsed.

"Bitch, didn't you hear me? Get up!" Shi Enxi grabbed her by her arm and pulled her, trying to make her stand.

Fan Xiao Yao looked at her with her red and puffy eyes. Even if Shi Enxi was glaring at her, she was the only one there. She was the first person to know of her situation.

Aside from that, she just badly wanted to cry and hug someone. She sobbed into her chest unceasingly, hands clutching at her clothes.

Shi Enxi stayed still, staring at her blankly. She always wanted to see Fan Xiao Yao this way but at that moment, she felt suffocated by it.

The part of her shirt where Fan Xiao Yao was burying her face was being drenched with her tears.

She tightened her hold on her arm. "That's enough, Xiao Yao."

"Xi'er..." Fan Xiao Yao's voice was almost like a whispering tone. She looked at her and her blinking lashes were heavy with tears. "Can I just disappear?"

"No, you can't. Not yet." She lightly pushed her away. "Wash your face and then pack your things afterward."

"Where are we going?"

"Back to the staff dormitory."

Fan Xiao Yao lowered her head and clenched her fists. "I want to quit being an actress-"

"No, you can't."

"But-" Fan Xiao Yao stopped when she saw how dark Shi Enxi's expression was and because of it, she unconsciously took a step back in fear.

She felt as if there was a she-devil in front of her! Something flashed beneath the surface of her hardened expression.

A sardonic smile appeared on Shi Enxi's lips as if she found out why she was feeling so different despite seeing how miserable Fan Xiao Yao was.

"Among all the artists in LPM, you are the only one I'll take in my care." She placed a hand on her waist, "I'm not doing this to help you. I have other priorities and I'll be using you for my gain."

... Eh?

"So annoying." Shi Enxi sighed. "This is not the time to cry."

The reason why she was not feeling so satisfied with how Fan Xiao Yao's was at that moment could only be because of who did it. She was not the one who brought her in this state so she can't find pleasure in it.

"Why are you still standing there? Are you deaf or what?"

"X-Xi'er... I don't want to go back." She didn't want to face the people who mistreated her. She had enough of them.

Shi Enxi raised an annoyed brow. "Are you just going to let them have their ways with you? Stop disappointing me any further."

"The result will only be the same..."

"No, it won't." Shi Enxi grabbed her hand and started dragging her out of the CR. "You have me now."

Fan Xiao Yao stared at Shi Enxi's back in surprise when she heard her words. For some reason, it brought comfort and eased the pain she was feeling. She has always wanted to hear those words.

She was not alone anymore...

Shi Enxi stopped in front of Fan Xiao Yao's room. She looked at her and was about to say something but she ended up frowning when she saw Fan Xiao Yao's expression.

Her face and puffy eyes brightened and for some reason, she was looking at her with a different light.

"Don't get me wrong, Fan Xiao Yao. Once everything is settled and once I am done in using you, I'll be the one who will wreck your life so be prepared."

Fan Xiao Yao pounced on her and hugged her once again, "Thank you."

"Are you stupid? What are you thankful for?" Shi Enxi clenched her fists as if forcing her hands to stay in place. "Stop hugging me. Get yourself ready and pack your things."