I'm up


Fan Xiao Yao and Shi Enxi were back to the Rosarium staff dormitory but instead of heading to the LPM building, Shi Enxi brought her to her room.

"From now on, you will be living with me."

Even if Shi Enxi didn't want to admit it to herself, she was worried that if she leaves Fan Xiao Yao alone in her place, her depression might kick in.

"As your manager, it's only normal for me to watch over you." Shi Enxi reasoned out, leading her to the guest room.

"Manager?" Fan Xiao Yao was surprised upon hearing of it. She thought that Shi Enxi was going to enter the entertainment world as an actress.

"Yes. Just like what I said earlier, I have chosen you to be my artist." Shi Enxi opened the door for her. "I have set rules in my place and you have to follow them closely."

Fan Xiao Yao nodded happily at her, "Okay! I'll listen to whatever you say."

"Good. For now, get some rest. I'll call you out after I prepare our dinner."

"Let me help you-"

"Didn't I gave you an order?" She crossed her arms, "When I said rest, you rest. Don't let me repeat it all over again."

Fan Xiao Yao gulped. Shi Enxi was being strict and cold to her although she preferred this since she was finally becoming honest to her.


The doorbell suddenly rang.

"Let me-"

"Are you really trying my patience?" Shi Enxi glared. "What I hate the most are people who don't know how to listen."

Fan Xiao Yao pursed her lips because of how distant Shi Enxi was. Her shoulders slumped down, "I... I'm sorry."

Shi Enxi stared at her for a while before she opened her mouth, "Today, you rest and gather your strength, you will need it tomorrow. I don't have use of weaklings so you better start acting up."

She turned her back to her. "I don't have time to comfort you. You can only rely on yourself and pull yourself together. If you have decided to stand up for yourself then do so but remember, backing out is not an option. If you have decided to fight, then fight until the end."

Shi Enxi left her there and went to check on who came to visit them.

Meanwhile, Fan Xiao Yao remained still in front of the guest room. She was staring at the hall where Shi Enxi disappeared to.

"Xi'er..." A gentle smile appeared on her lips. "You sure have a strange way of comforting me." She entered the room and started unpacking her things.


When Shi Enxi opened the door, Huang Li stood before her with various plastic bags in his hands.

Shi Enxi was in a bad mood at that moment. She didn't say anything but instead, she turned and went to the kitchen.

Huang Li entered and closed the door. He didn't question why she was looking so irritated, whenever she was acting that way, it was better to be quiet.

He followed her to the kitchen and placed the groceries he bought for her.

Shi Enxi was quiet the whole time as she helped Huang Li in placing the ingredients he bought in the cabinet and in the refrigerator.

"I'll take my leave." Huang Li said.

"Stay here for dinner." Shi Enxi replied without looking at him since she was busy chopping the tomatoes.

"Alright. Do you want me to help you?"

"Make a carrot smoothie."

Huang Li blinked a few times, "Don't you hate carrots?"

"Not for me."

"For who?"

"Fan Xiao Yao."

Fan Xiao Yao? She was here? No wonder he saw another set of footwear by her doorsteps. Why was she here?

Ah... was she the reason why Shi Enxi was in a bad mood?

Then why would she ask him to prepare a carrot smoothie for her? If he remembered it correctly, carrot smoothie was Fan Xiao Yao's favorite drink! Was she planning something against her?

"Do I need to add some poison in it?"

Shi Enxi knitted her brows together. She paused from chopping before she turned to him. "The last thing I want in this world is for you to turn into an idiot."


The food that Shi Enxi prepared were only dishes made of vegetables. Yes, the table was filled with vegetarian food.

Shi Enxi knew that everyone in the industry watched their own diet, especially when it came to female artists. There were even artists who kept on dieting even if they were already skinny.

Fan Xiao Yao's body was well maintained, she was not so skinny. Her body was the body that every female wanted. To achieve such body, constant exercise and diet were required and because of that, Shi Enxi's first priority was Fan Xiao Yao's health and her body.

After everything was prepared, Shi Enxi went and knocked on the guest room's door. "Fan Xiao Yao, dinner is ready."

There was no response from the other side.

"Fan Xiao Yao?"

Shi Enxi decided to enter her room. She saw Fan Xiao Yao by the bed, sleeping.

She walked toward her and stood by the side.

Fan Xiao Yao was in a deep sleep since she was really tired from crying that day. She turned her body and hugged a pillow as she continued sleeping.

The side of Shi Enxi's lips twitched. She knew that Fan Xiao Yao was tired but that didn't mean that she can skip dinner.

She leaned and pinched her cheek hard to wake her up instead.

"Ow! Ow!"

"Are you awake now?" Shi Enxi asked, releasing her cheek.

Fan Xiao Yao rubbed her cheek, turning to Shi Enxi with a sleepy look on her face. "What?"

"Dinner is ready."

"I'm not hungry. I want to sleep more."

Shi Enxi raised a brow, "Do you want me to pour a bucket of cold water on you instead?"

With the way Shi Enxi was, Fan Xiao Yao feared that Shi Enxi might really do that!

"I'm up, I'm up!" She stretched her arms before she sat up.

Shi Enxi didn't wait on her, she turned a left her.