I've got a surprise for you

After their mini fight, Lu Mello decided to give Shi Enxi her breakfast.

"I should reheat this first. It has gotten cold." Lu Mello said, getting out of the bed.

"Make it fast, okay? I'm really starving." She pouted, hugging another pillow.

"Yes, ma'am." He chuckled. "Oh yeah, you should probably drink this first."

He gave her the pill that was in the tray.

Shi Enxi raised a brow, looking at the pill. "What is this for?"

"Didn't you say that you didn't want to get pregnant yet?"

Shi Enxi stared at the pill for a moment. She was touched with Lu Mello's gesture. 

He prepared it for her and he respected her decision on not wanting to get pregnant yet. Ah, why is he this kind?

"Thank you."

After Lu Mello left the room to reheat the food, Shi Enxi stared at the pill for a while and her other hand obviously went to her tummy.