Most expensive accessory

Wang Hao's name was in the headline and beside it was the word 'Paedophile'.

He was a well-known man who would usually give charities and aid for sick children. He even has his own adoption home for the children who didn't have parents. He would even invite them to his place and spend holidays together with his family.

Shi Enxi scanned through it, there were photos and even pictures of Wang Hao being close to the children. One of those pictures was him inviting a girl inside his room.

She turned Lu Mello in surprise. How was he able to get these pieces of evidence? 

She has always known that Wang Hao was a Paedophile, she had tried to send someone to get any evidence of it but Wang Hao was so careful that it was difficult to get one from him. Even the usual girls that he would bring along with him wouldn't speak up since they were too afraid of Wang Hao. Because of that, Shi Enxi decided to directly kill him instead.