Do you have someone you like?

"How were you able to recognize me earlier?" Fan Xiao Yao asked. She removed her glasses and mask, placing them in her bag.

"Your bag." Huang Li replied, driving back to her dorm.


Huang Li chuckled lightly, "That neon bag is really eye-catching."

Fan Xiao Yao turned to her bag and chuckled a bit. Could he have seen her bag whenever he visited her in her dorm?

Even though it was a small thing, he was able to recognize something that belonged to her and that made her hopeful.

"Did you eat something for dinner already?" Fan Xiao Yao asked, looking at him while he was busy driving.

"Not yet. I'll cook something once we get to your place."

"I haven't restocked the food so... Is it alright if we can pass by the supermarket?"

"Sure. How about Vanilla? Does she still have her food stock?"

"It's going to be finished so let's add that to our list."
