Be brave

Fan Xiao Yao could feel her sweating palm, her heart was thumping like crazy and her cheeks were covered in pink. She was staring straight at Huang Li even if she wanted to hide.

'Be brave, Fan Xiao Yao. Be brave.' She kept telling herself in her mind.

Huang Li was looking at her, the expression he always had was gone. He was completely surprised.

Fan Xiao Yao was waiting for his reply and the longer he kept quiet, the anxious she got.

"Senior Huang..." 

Huang Li snapped out from his trance upon hearing her soft voice. Complicated feelings flashed in his eyes upon realizing that Fan Xiao Yao has just confessed to him.

The side of his lips slowly curled up, the smile earlier returning in his lips. "Thank you, Xiao Yao."

He turned back to his food and continued eating the rest of the food that was in his plate.

Thank you? Thank you?! That's all?! What kind of reaction was that?!