It's all her fault

Lu Weichun and Shi Enxi was sitting at a sofa near the dressing room, waiting for Fan Xiao Yao to come back. Both were quiet ever since Fan Xiao Yao left them.

"Just so you know, I don't like you." Lu Weichun finally broke the silence between them.

"The feeling is mutual." Shi Enxi replied, smiling calmly at her.

"I don't like you for my brother." Lu Weichun said without holding back.

"So do I."

Lu Weichun pursed her lips and looked away. Shi Yi and Lu Mello wanted her to get along with Shi Enxi but she was having a hard time doing that.

"Mello-gege and Shi Yi wanted me to get along with you but I think that's impossible."

Shi Enxi nodded in agreement. Mello and her brother have been telling her to at least try to get along with Lu Weichun but every time she saw her, she just couldn't do it. "They have told me the same too."

In sync, the let out a heavy sigh.