I want to buy this

"Oh my, look who's here." A woman wearing a pink strapless dress which specifically showcased her disposition came approaching Fan Xiao Yao when she saw her.

The woman had long black hair with natural curls and her elegant makeup was perfect. Her whole being gave off a proud and noble air.

Chen Fanglin was one of Fan Xiao Yao's classmates during college. They were never in good terms since Chen Fanglin had always used underhanded tricks to suppress Fan Xiao Yao. She was the reason why Fan Xiao Yao couldn't enter better companies other than LPM.

Standing beside Chen Fanglin was Qing Biluo, another socialite and Chen Fanglin's close friend.

The smile on Fan Xiao Yao's face disappeared and was replaced by a blank look on her face. "Chen Fanglin, Qing Biluo."

Qing Biluo snickered, she grabbed the bag that Fan Xiao Yao was holding. "Can you even afford this?"