Do you need time to jerk off?

"Well? Won't you let me see how hard you became for me?" She continued to tease him.

Lu Mello's eyes darkened, "Do you think that you will get away with this?"

"Oh my, I'm scared." She smirked playfully. "How will you punish me when you're a thousand miles away, darling?"

"I'll show you how I'm going to punish you for being a naughty wife once I come back."

She giggled, "My, oh, my, it looks like I have to hide from my husband."

Lu Mello sighed. She has become brave just because he was not there with her on the bed. Although it was not like he didn't like this part of her. He was quite amused by how she was being 'sweet' to him.

"Mrs. Lu, please behave yourself."

"I am always behaved, Mr. Lu." She grinned at him.

"Yes, yes, please continue to do so."

Shi Enxi was happy to see him through the call. Whenever she spoke with him, her mood would automatically lighten up.