I'm being followed

Days passed and Shi Enxi assigned personal assistants for Zi Xuan and Fan Xiao Yao since she was becoming busy as a Director.

At the end of the week, Lu Mello finally arrived back in China. While he was on his way, he decided to give Shi Enxi a call but when he turned on his phone, he saw that he received a lot of missed calls from Lu Weichun.

She has been trying to call him since earlier.

He was about to call her back when his phone began ringing, Lu Weichun was calling him again.

For her to call him like this... What could be the reason?

For some reason, he couldn't help but worry. He answered the call, "Xiao Chun?"

"Finally! Why are you not answering my previous calls?!"

"I just got off the airport. What's the matter? Why do you sound... panicked?"

Based on the background noise on Lu Weichun's side, he could tell that she was driving. Not just that... She was driving at a fast speed.