I don't want you

Shi Enxi opened her eyes, only to find herself inside a hospital room. She could already tell that since the smell of disinfectant was in the air.

She was feeling a bit better for some reason. Was it because of the medicine that was given to her through the IV drips or was it because she has taken some rest?

Her stomach growled and she squirmed in her bed to try to silence the rumbling. She glanced at the clock; there were only two more minutes until lunch.

She heard the door creak and she saw Lu Weichun, holding a lunchbox.

She walked towards her, placing the lunchbox on the bed table. She helped Shi Enxi in getting up, she even placed a pillow on her back to make her comfortable. "No wonder people bring flowers in the hospital since every room is so dull."

Shi Enxi couldn't argue with that, especially when she thought the same.