Are you busy?

Lu Mello approached her and held her hands. He knew that he shouldn't be stressing her out with her parent's death but it was her parents, he has to tell her about it.

She looked at him, her face didn't show any kind of emotions. There was no anger even, her eyes were just blank and cold. 

He gently touched her cheek, "I'm still trying to get more information. Didn't I say that I will help you? Your problems are my problems so you have to share it with me. I will not fail you, I promise."

Shi Enxi's lips curled up. The warmth of his palm was spreading throughout her body. No matter how badly she wanted to seek revenge for her parents, she has to remain calm and level-headed, or else, she could ruin her life.

She was glad that Lu Mello was there for her, that he was someone she could share her pain and problems. If he wasn't there, maybe she could be losing her sanity over this matter already.