Love advice

Huang Li turned and his expression became cole upon seeing the woman who called him.

It was none other than, Wang Ansheng.

She was dressed in a very sexy and revealing red dress with a faux fur coat on top. Her black hair was styled into a ponytail with a few strands of her hair on the side of her face, shaping it well. She was wearing long diamond earrings and she really looked beautiful and got at that moment.

She has two companions who were dressed for the party as well.

Wang Ansheng turned to her companions and smiled, "You can go ahead."

Her companions eyed Huang Li, he was a tall and handsome man that can catch any woman's attention so he obviously piqued their interest.

"Is he your new boyfriend?" Ran Piao, one of Wang Ansheng's companion asked.

"Miss, is he with you?" One of the guards interrupted.

Wang Ansheng went and clung on Huang Li's arm, "He's with me, right, Huang Li?"