She did it on purpose

Shi Yi was listening to Li Bingbing's conversation with her husband. She was calmer than how he expected her to be... which is good.

Li Bingbing was someone he never wanted to cross with. Even his sister, Shi Enxi didn't want to do it.

After the call ended, Li Bingbing turned her gaze to Shi Enxi. "Whether or not what you are saying about those merchants are true, I will still help you. I can't allow anyone to bully my baby sister, right? As for Shi Anhao-"

"Leave her to me, Jiejie." Shi Enxi interrupted. "She's mine to play with."

If there was anyone who Shi Enxi was willing to personally deal with, it was none other than Shi Anhao.

"Alright. I'll contact Mello once I've got something from Xian Yu."

Lu Mello gave her a grateful nod, he turned to Nian Jiezhen, "Sister Zhen, I will need your help in looking deep into cases similar to this."
