Do you want to play with me?

For the next few days, Shi Enxi was observing Ming Ren closely, just in case if she tried to contact her companions again.

She has to admit, Ming Ren was really careful. She took jobs that she was given and she was slowly gaining popularity.

Shi Enxi's office...

She was busy reading a bunch of paperwork that her brother, Shi Yi sent her.

Shi Yi was supposed to be the bait but Chen Gao and his group didn't make a move against him at all.

Catching the culprits was harder than they thought. After Lu Weichun's case, Chen Gao and his group were waiting in the shadows for the right moment, for the orders to abduct Shi Yi.

A sudden ring was heard the made Shi Enxi snapped out of her thoughts.

She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Li Bingbing who was calling her. She placed the document she was reading on the table before she accepted the call.
