
"Just contact us anytime, jiejie." Xia Liqin smiled.

She looked at him and smiled, she leaned and hugged him, "Thank you, brother."

"Just call me 'Qinqing' like you usually do." He chuckled, hugging his sister back.

She pulled away and nodded a bit before she turned to her mother, Li Bingbing. "I'm sorry, I can't drop you to the airport tonight..."

"It's fine." Li Bingbing patted her head, "I'll visit you from time to time. Next time, bring your son with you. I kinda wanted to see him."

Shi Enxi chuckled, "You're now a grandma, jiejie, you're getting old."

Li Bingbing frowned a bit. She lightly pinched her sister's cheek, "Aren't you the same?"

"Ugh. I can't believe I have a grandson in this age."

They ended up laughing together because of that.