I'm going to kill you

It was the day where Jiang Yan was finally meeting Chen Gao.

She was wearing a greenish-blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose. A semicircular, high collar made of silk-like materials. She walked as lightly. A puff of wind swept through her hair before it slipped into the streets, rusting the leaves that were on the ground.

The dress she was wearing was Ming Ren's favorite. It was a dress that Chen Gao bought for his deceased lover in the past.

She was standing by the bus stop, waiting for her ride, waiting for Chen Gao to pick her up there.

Not far from her, Lu Mello's men were hiding, observing her from afar. They were all in disguise.

Not long, a white van stopped and the door by the front was opened.

Xin Jun went out and looked at her with a small smile, "Good to see you again."

Jiang Yan smiled, "It's been a while."

He escorted her to the shotgun seat and closed the door before he went and sat behind.