We had sex

That same weekend, Lu Mello came home from work only to see Shi Enxi, standing at the sofa.

"What are you doing?" He asked, raising a brow.

"I live here you know. I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much."


This scene was so familiar... Where did he see this again?

Ah... It was in his past life. 

"Where's the spider?" He calmly asked, looking at his wife.

Shi Enxi quickly pointed at the coffee table, "Under the table."

He went and searched for the spider under the coffee table and when he saw it, he reached out and caught it.

"Kill it!"

"They eat other bugs you know."

"I don't care!"

Lu Mello sighed. Instead of killing it, he went to the window and released it there.

"Why did you let it go? What if it comes back?" Shi Enxi said with a panicked look on her face.

"It won't. Besides, spiders like that are harmless." He said as he walked back to her.