Cutest baby in the world

Lu Mello brought his wife to the hospital after passing by the dorm.

Shi Enxi visited her doctor for her weekly checkup. 

On the monitor, Lu Mello and Shi Enxi could see their growing child as the doctor was doing an ultrasound on her tummy.

It was nerve-wracking for Shi Enxi. A new human was growing inside her stomach. On the other hand, Lu Mello was filled with joy to see that their child was growing healthy inside her. It wasn't a new thing for him since he has already experienced taking care of his mother when she was pregnant with his siblings. Although it was different this time, it wasn't his sibling inside the belly but his own child.

It was Lu Mello's first time in accompanying his wife there so the feeling that was growing inside of him was so overwhelming.

"Do you want to know the gender of your child?" The doctor asked with a smile.

Shi Enxi turned her gaze to her husband and smiled, "I think it's about time."