Tell me the truth!

"But... Wen Zhou and I are in good terms." Fan Xiao Yao couldn't imagine Wen Zhou harming him especially when they were having a good relationship.

"Don't get into his bad side. He may help you up but he can also bring you down. You have already seen what he can do so you have to be careful."

It was going to be troublesome if they ended up becoming enemies with Wen Zhou. He is still a child and if things went south, netizens would surely take his side.

How is such a boy like this? Is it possible that someone else is controlling him from behind?

"Xiao Xixi is right." Zi Xuan has already been in the entertainment industry for so many years. He survived different kinds of scheming and he knew the reality inside the industry. It was just surprising for him that someone young like Wen Zhou is already capable of doing something like that. "Yaoyao, you have to be careful. You can't trust anyone so easily."