Can I see him?

When did Lu Mello last cry? It has been so long but each time he did, it was always because of Shi Enxi.

This time it was because of their son. The son who they were not given a chance to meet. The child that he has always yearned from her.

In this life, she was carrying his child but fate was so cruel.

He tried his best not to cry for the sake of his wife as he watched her lie down on the hospital bed.

His eyes landed on her stomach, the baby bump... gone. 

He reached out, his hand trembling, to his wife's hand.

"I'm sorry... Enxi... I'm sorry..."

He promised her that he was going to protect her, that he was going to protect their son but he failed.

In that moment of loss, his world collapsed. Tears streamed uncontrollably, like water breaking out from a dam. He felt his heart being cut open, it was so suffocating.

She was still there. He has to protect her. He has to protect her from all this pain.