
In the middle of the night, while Fan Xiao Yao was asleep, Huang Li woke up. He stroked her face lightly with his thumb as he stared at it.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered softly before he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Huang Li didn't have a choice. Fan Xiao Yao will only hold him back and make things harder for him. It pained him, knowing that he has to leave her like this. 

He loves her so much but he once promised Shi Enxi that he was going to protect her and to be there for her in times of trouble.

Someone wanted her life. Someone wanted to ruin her happiness so how can he just turn a blind eye to it when he can actually do something?

Before he could leave the bed, Fan Xiao Yao grabbed his arm.

"Huang Li..." She opened her sleepy eyes. "You're leaving..."