
Upon arriving at the parking lot and Huang Li approached a black car and entered it.

"Let's go." He told the driver who was waiting for him since earlier.

The driver didn't say anything, he only started driving the moment Huang Li got in.

The ride was quiet until they reached the villa located in the West of the city.

Huang Li was led by a butler to a room and when he entered the room, he saw a woman sitting in a wheelchair.

"Aunt Mu." Huang Li greeted with a small smile. "I'm glad to see you alive."

Mu Xijiu smiled back, "I'm happy to have you here, willing to help me, Huang Li. I was worried that you might reject the invitation I sent you."

"How can I?" After what happened to Shi Enxi, he was not going to sit still. It's about time to go after those who wanted her dead.

Huang Li was actually surprised when he first learned that Mu Xijiu, Shi Enxi's mother, is alive. She contacted him not long after she visited Wang Hao.