Real Mastermind

Lu Mello stared at her for a few seconds after hearing what she said. It was as if he finally heard the answer to his fearful thoughts of telling her the truth.

She released her hug from his neck and rested her hands on his chest instead. She felt his chest rise and sink as he let out a sigh in defeat. Whenever it came to her, he was helpless. "Where should I start?"

"Start anywhere you like, I'll listen." She said with a small smile, knowing what he has to say already.

He lowered his head and was quiet for a while. It was as if he was put in a tight position when he thought about what he should say to her.

On the other hand, Shi Enxi waited patiently for him to talk. She didn't rush him. Just like him, she was in deep thought on whether or not to tell him the truth as well. She was in a dilemma of whether or not to act clueless of what he was about to say.