Make him stop

Lu Mello's words slapped her with the harsh truth. Everything backfired to her but despite that, just like what she said, she didn't regret her actions and that was what made her even crueler.

"For goodness' sake, you are a mother now, Enxi!" His holler made her flinch as she finally lowered her head. "You can't just be selfish and do whatever you want! You can't just put an innocent baby's life at risk! The fact that he's our son is worst! I can't believe that you are willing to sacrifice our son! OUR SON!!!"

"I-I'm not sacrificing him," she stammered.

"Really now?" He scoffed. "Have you ever thought of the possibility that your plan can fail? Once it fails, it can cause our son's life!" He gritted his teeth in frustration. "Have you ever thought of that?!"