
"Jin Bolin...?" Lu Mello stopped on his route. "That nurse is not him."

Shi Enxi stopped as well to look at her husband in confusion, "You know him?"

"Yes... He's one of my men who's assigned... to guard Huang Li's place." 

"What?!" She exclaimed in surprise. 

"We need to hurry! They're in danger!" Lu Mello grabbed his wife's hand as they both turned and rushed out of the place.


"Mama, when mama and dada cwome home?" Little Jade was asking about his other mother: Shi Enxi. He yawned sleepily after asking the question. He was trying his best to stay awake.

On the other hand, Little Snow was already fast asleep beside him.

Fan Xiao Yao pulled the blanket up to their shoulders before she gently replied, "Tomorrow, sweetie. Your parents will come and pick you up tomorrow." She leaned forward and gave his forehead a soft peck. "Now go to sleep, okay?"
