You need a vacation

Shi Enxi entered the guest room and saw the trio, sleeping peacefully on the bed. Her eyes softened as she took quiet steps towards them.

Fan Xiao Yao was sleeping at the side of the bed with Little Jade in the middle and Little Snow on the other side.

Her eyes trailed to Fan Xiao Yao's arm that had a bandage around and down to her ankle that was bandaged as well. Never in her life did Shi Enxi thought that she could get this mad and the reason behind it was because someone hurt Fan Xiao Yao. She never thought that she could be the type of person who would avenge those who messed with the people she cared for.

She should have tortured that bitch Hana more... Shi Enxi thought as she continued to stare at the other woman's bandaged foot.

"I should have broken her leg..." She mumbled to herself before she sat at the edge of the bed and turned her eyes to her sons. The anger in her eyes subsided and it softened as she gazed lovingly at the kids.