You have to die

Ten minutes ago...

Lu Mello handed drinks to his men and handed a different one for Jin Bolin. He smiled and patted his back once, "I heard that you like strawberry flavor."

Jin Bolin nodded quietly with a small smile. "Yes, thank you..."

"Enjoy your food." Lu Mello took a quick glance on one of his men to which the man gave a small nod.

"By the way, Huang Li, can I have word with you?" Lu Mello asked as he turned to the other man.


After Huang Li and Lu Mello left the room, Jin Bolin was quietly eating with the others. 

"Hey Bolin, let's exchange drinks. I want a strawberry drink too." One of the men, Zhao Yu, said with a pout. "I don't like orange."

Jin Bolin blinked a few times before nodding a bit. "Sure." He was not a stingy person after all. And besides, he only likes the fruit itself but when it came to flavors, he preferred apple. 

"Don't be choosy, Zhao Yu." One of the men said.