Little Melon

Lu Mello was surprised when he heard her words. He knew that Shi Enxi was not on pills. They were both were expecting for another child but because of how busy the past weeks were, the possibility of her getting pregnant left their mind.

It was a great news for them. Shi Enxi this time was more accepting of the news unlike back then when she found out that she was pregnant with Little Jade.

Because of how overjoyed he was, Lu Mello carried her and spinned her around in delight. "We're going to have another kid!"

"Urgh! Put me down! I'm feeling sick! Do you want me to puke on you?!" Shi Enxi complained.

"Right, right." Lu Mello obediently placed her back on the ground. He couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear as he looked at her.

Shi Enxi crossed her arms and looked at him smiling like an idiot. She let out a helpless chuckle, "You're that happy, huh?"

"Of course! I'm going to be a father!"

"You're already a father."