Meat and Veggies

"Mama! Let's swim! Swim!" Little Snow exclaimed as he 

"Swim?" Shi Enxi blinked a few times in confusion. What made him suddenly want to go for a swim?

She turned to Little Jade and saw him busy on watching Finding Nemo on the big TV screen. 

"Oh..." So that's where he got the idea.

"Mama! Swim! Swim! And let's eat fishes!"

"..." She turned to her son and raised a brow, "Are you going to be a shark?"

Little Snow nodded adorably, "Yes! Shark! Grrrrr!" He even growled cutely at her.

Shi Enxi couldn't help but let out a laugh. She picked him up and carried him in her arms before she walked towards Little Jade who was so focused on watching the movie. "Baby, do you want to go swimming after this?" She asked as she sat beside the boy and let Little Snow sit on her lap.

"No." The boy replied, his eyes locked on the screen.

Little Snow ended up gasping out loud as he asked, "What?! Why?!"