Green Chicken

Being reminded by her husband, she ended up having second thoughts instead. She loved having Little Jade around but she already told Fan Xiao Yao about it. 

No matter how sad she was, it was not like she was never going to see him. Hopefully, nothing should change since the kids were already used to having two sets of parents.

"It won't be easy but yes, I'm sure." She has already decided on it and she was not going to go back to her words.

Lu Mello sighed. He was holing for her to change her mind but it looked like that won't be happening.

Arriving in the kitchen, Lu Mello and Shi Enxi saw their kids having another argument.

"Xiao Xue, no eat chicken." Little Jade said as he took away the fried chicken away from his brother's plate.

"NUUUU!!!!" Little Snow reached out, his eyes becoming teary. "CHICKEN!!! GEGE CHICKEN!!!! GIVE MEEEEEE!!!!"