
"He has already taken his medicine. He must take it every 8 hours until his fever has died down." The doctor instructed as he spoke to Lu Mello.

Shi Enxi was sitting at the side of the bed, stroking her child's head gently with a worried look on her face. She could feel how hot his forehead was. She should have not ignored Little Snow's sudden change earlier. He was so quiet and he barely said a word to her and her husband before they left. She couldn't help but blame herself for being an irresponsible mother to him.

Lu Mello turned to his wife, "Xi'er, I'll watch over Xiao Xue, you should-"

"I'm not going anywhere." She replied firmly.

"But you're preg-" He stopped upon receiving a deathly glare from her.

"I'm going to kill you if you say about another word of leaving our son here just because I'm pregnant. I will watch over him until he gets well."