You noticed

Lu Mello made sure that there was food in the house so he could cook and have a lunch date with his wife at the place. Since he knew that Shi Enxi has been craving for some peaches lately, he made sure that to include it for dessert.

Shi Enxi was sitting by the table, her palms were resting on both sides of her cheeks as she watched her husband's sexy back as he cooked food for her. Lu Mello wearing an apron and preparing food for her was such a rare sight to behold. When was the last time he cooked for her? She didn't really appreciate it much but now that she thought of it, maybe she should. Her husband was a busy person.

While cooking, he decided to converse with her so that at least she would not get bored staring at him, "What do you think? This will make a better retirement place instead of buying an island, right?"

She raised a brow, "Retirement? Are you kidding me? I'm not that old yet!" She huffed.